Author Topic: Hawaii frowns on food eating contests  (Read 7681 times)


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Hawaii frowns on food eating contests
« on: December 15, 2006, 04:54:05 PM »
News release I'd like to read:

Hawaii frowns on food eating contests

Survey shows that most people are against food eating contests, at least until everyone has been fed and has shelter. Food wasting such as throwing watermelons off of buildings and tomato bashes were found to be equally offensive.

The objections are aimed at those who sponsor food-wasting entertainments. The words thoughtless, inconsiderate, and unconscious, were among those used to describe the promoters of such events. The alternatives would be to support events in which participants and audiences get as much pleasure out of donating food to homeless shelters and food banks.

The survey reports the following two comments:

1) "Food-wasting participants (such as pie or hot dog eating contests) can't begin to imagine the pain and resentment a hungry person experiences when they see Americans with so much food that they can waste it."

2) "Most people are of the opinion that we shouldn't spend our "extra" money on jewelry, tattoos, and second homes (that are vacant most of the time), until everyone on the planet has had enough food and clean water for that day.

The report reveals that there was at least one person on each food-eating contest planning committee who objected to the project and who was outvoted by the others. It's suggested that if that person resigned in protest the others would eventually experience that their priorities were inconsistent with conditions in their own community and on the planet.

Last edited 3/21/19


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