Author Topic: Churches nationwide to correct membership records  (Read 6185 times)


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Churches nationwide to correct membership records
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:05:36 AM »
A news headline I'd like to read:

Churches nationwide to correct membership records

Acknowledging the latest research at Harvard University having to do with a new model of integrity—the correlation between integrity and outcomes—a spokesperson for the Council of Churches has announced that they have formulated the intention of having accurate membership records. 

Within the past few decades a large percentage of America's youth have moved away from their hometown communities. Most of those who have moved away are still registered as members of their hometown/childhood church; many have joined and registered with other churches. Due to frequent moving thousands of military families are registered with one or more churches. It doesn't occur to most to telephone their church and asked to have their name deleted from its membership records. Many nationwide have simply stopped going to church or supporting any church or religion; others have become agnostic or atheistic; a significant percentage of these people are still registered as belonging to a church. Pastors know this, yet they consciously use their inaccurate membership records as proof of their popularity.

The result has been inaccurate exaggerated church membership records nationwide. As always, with inaccurate records, there are reasons. These exaggerated membership records are due in part because many churches carry ones membership for life. I.e. The Church of Scientology holds that if one buys a book or takes a personality test that the person is a member: once a member always a member even though one may still "belong" to another church. A request for one of their publications automatically adds one to their list of "millions and millions" of members. Consequently, the "Church's" membership records do not reflect the huge number of uninterested/dissatisfied people who are unaware that they are still considered a member of The Church of Scientology to this very day—or, that it requires intention to have ones name removed; intention being different than merely asking.

Another problem with the nation's inaccurate church records is that we don't know how many atheists and agnostics there are in America; the uncertainty can leave one to believe that they belong to an insignificant minority. News media reporting of church attendance and growth records are both inaccurate and intimidating.

The problem with inaccurate (deceitful) church records, as with the records of any organization, is that one can't be certain if unmet goals or less-than-satisfying membership/fund drives are the result of the collective leadership-communication skills (simply a communication problem) or are a consequence of one or more out-integrities (perpetrations and withholds) being supported by its leadership. All lies, even those of which one is unaware, have undesirable consequences.

Conversations about this topic will eventually effect accurate records.

PS: If your life is wrought with upsets and unhappiness, few giggles and little joy, then you might want to check to see if you are unconsciously thwarting your pastor and church. Pastors and churches create power through agreement; the more agreement a church has the more it empowers you, providing that you adhere to all its tenants and practices. Belonging to two or more churches thwarts your present pastor and causes your former pastor(s) to be out-integrity.

Note #1 Church facilities (buildings) are the least cost effective structures in the nation, most are vacant throughout each day and evening. Few ministers are skilled communicators and therefore are not aware of the correlation between results and integrity, specifically membership records and tithing goals; they simply don't inspire new members to the extant that there's standing room only and events every day and evening throughout the week.  In sales and management-training poor enrollments and sales are symptomatic of an integrity issue, possibly even the product is out-integrity.

Note #2 Read (An integrity variable that affects tithings).

Note #3 Are you a member of the Church of Scientology? If you bought one of their books, if you took their Personality Test, you mind be. To find out, write and ask them. In the process you will become more aware of the word intention.
Last edited 3/21/19


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