Author Topic: Developers must first have community support  (Read 5183 times)


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Developers must first have community support
« on: August 10, 2013, 02:16:14 AM »
A news report I'd like to read

Developers must first have community support

County Council Members unanimously agree to a new procedure for developers, investors and business persons. Before anyone can submit applications for the various permits and approvals to build, say a condominium or a housing project, they must first present proof of community support for the project.

Developers and new business owners must hire an independent company to conduct a house-to-house survey so as to provide proof that the nearby affected community and, the majority of island residents, support the project.

Says one council member, this new procedure ensures that island residents living near a proposed project, and the rest of the islanders, have a say in what's being built on the island.

For example: The majority of residents near any proposed geothermal project, if surveyed, would vote no. Any island resident/construction contractor who voted yes, thereby disregarding the serenity and health of a fellow islander, would experience the karma of such inconsiderateness (surviving at the expense of another's well-being).

The thousands of failed business ventures on the Island of Hawaii these past decades suggests that many failed to get community support up front; only later did they discover the power of unconscious intentions, of non-verbal hexing (some might say, of Pele's disapproval). Seldom does a business person-investor-developer think to ask for support (sponsorship) from resident local leaders, the respected kahunas. Says a council member, "We county employees have accidentally led developers to think that our approval means community approval."

Note 1: An excellent example of how Waikiki must have begun is to look at the growing number of law-breaking vendors at the Ahalanui Park (Hot Pond) and at Pohoiki. Because police don't get out to the Hot Pond very often vendors blatantly disregard the "Engaging in any business in the park area is prohibited" signs, the wishes of their neighbors, their community.

Note 2: Hawaii County still grants building permits knowing the roads are already congested.


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