Author Topic: Homework for Hawaii's Teachers—The Teacher's Pay Project  (Read 5239 times)


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Homework for Hawaii's Teachers—The Teacher's Pay Project
« on: January 29, 2014, 05:09:13 AM »
Homework for Hawaii's Teachers—The Teacher's Pay Project

Gone are the days of weekend-long communication workshops; gone even are the trainings and seminars presented to the masses throughout the nation's communities.  Time and cost are the primary factors responsible for this evolution. Cold-calling to invite participants is now considered an abusive spam-like privacy intrustion. Today's education activities reflect our preferences, to be entertained as we learn. The following represents my transition from being a relationship-leadership communication-skills coach to being an entertainer.

The Teachers Pay Project (tpay) meets our needs. There's nothing to do; it's simply about us entertaining each other, no attachments, no blaming, make-wrongs, no guilt. No one has to change the way they have been. It's simply about us having more verbal and nonverbal communications so as to manifest our stated intentions.  We're going to agree to have a few more conversations about salaries, specifically, teacher's pay.

Your assignment, [should you accept the mission], your homework, is to generate conversations in support of satisfying wages. For any new reimbursement system to be satisfying it must be so new that there is no resemblance to the present system, the one that keeps producing more of the same; for it to be effective we must be clear about acknowledgement.*

I like the premise that as an educator my experience of prosperity perfectly mirrors my leadership-relationship communication-skills. I also hold that the communication skills it would take to effect appropriate satisfactory wages are the exact same skills it takes to communicate subject matter effectively—so that no child is left behind.

Here's a few topics in support of clarity as to our intentions—more pay, less pay, same pay. The subject matter will trigger considerations for conversations about The Teacher's Pay Conversations Project.


Communication breakdowns
Teacher's Pay Project
Teacher's Pay Conversations Project—correlation between integrity and outcomes
PTSD—a breakdown in communication



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