Author Topic: Vets allowed to smoke pot during clearing sessions  (Read 5392 times)


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Vets allowed to smoke pot during clearing sessions
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:09:35 AM »
    Something I'd like to read in a newspaper.

Hawaii's governor authorizes the use of marijuana during coaching/clearing sessions for veterans

Vets and communication-skills coaches1 may now smoke2 together during clearing3 sessions. Medical marijuana permits are waived for this purpose. A Clearing Process Facilitator agrees to smoke with the vet and speak as freely and truthfully as they expect of the vet (zero significant thoughts withheld). Subject matter shared during clearings is confidential and not shared with others, the VA, or any government agency.

Considerations about the rumor:
  • For decades marijuana users have known that marijuana enhances most everyone's ability to communicate, to be in-communication. Barriers, defenses and tensions seem to melt. Warmth and openness replaces ones addiction to withholding thoughts; spontaneity, happiness and laughter are the norm when smoking pot with trusted friends.
  • Few mental health professionals conduct an Integrity Assessment with a new client during in-processing; fewer still begin each appointment with a clearing, i.e. "For what would you like to be acknowledged?" —followed with about a dozen other questions that address significant health-related variables—such as first lie, first deception, first theft, first abuse—firsts that haven't been acknowledged to anyone—and the all important, "What thought are you withholding from whom?"
  • Most doctors do not address or acknowledge the correlation between personal integrity and outcomes, specifically as pertains to ones health.
  • The medical profession, specifically the  (American Medical Association), in general has yet to acknowledge the possibility, however remote, that the source of a patient's symptom has something to do with an incomplete, such as an unacknowledged perpetration (a lie, deceit, theft, blame, guilt, or thought they are withholding from someone).
Most veteran's are very appreciative of their VA benefits however, few feel completely safe sharing certain thoughts and truths with the VA staff. I.e. Most vets lie when asked if they smoke marijuana, oblivious of the karma of lying to one's doctor. It's believed that exaggerations are warranted if one is to be deservedly compensated—to feel acknowledged.4

The relationship between a vet and the VA is adversarial.

"Adversarial" as in — us/them, win lose. Vet: Gimme more benefits!" VA: "Nope, I'm in charge." In an adversarial relationship the implied agreement is for all concerned to withhold their thoughts of choice from each other.

Any relationship between adversaries affects the immune systems for all concerned

This pattern of withholding thoughts is caused by the VA staff because they do not communicate openly, honestly, and spontaneously (zero thoughts withheld) amongst themselves or within their respective families. Each withholds their thoughts of choice from someone. The VA staff are in fact relatively emotionally shut down (the space-generating aliveness that comes from authentic service is missing) yet they have the mission of restoring a vet's ability to communicate openly, honestly, and spontaneously.

The VA staff have not been taught how to clear5 and so most vets mirror the staff's leadership-communication model and stuff (suppress) the kinds of thoughts that keep them stuck; they end up thinking (even dramatizing)6 certain thoughts over and over again, some for life.

Family, friends, and health care professionals often assume that because a vet is verbally/emotionally shut down that he/she  is experiencing PTSD.7 

The stress that sometimes appears after a stressful incident (PTS: Post Traumatic Stress) evolves into a disorder (PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) when a vet is not in-communication with anyone; when the vet, and everyone with whom they interact, have become stuck talking, each doing his/her imitation of communication—specifically, cons the vet can con.

"In-communication" meaning—open, honest, and spontaneous—zero thoughts withheld—through to mutual satisfaction.

Labeling a breakdown in communication as PTSD is a great disservice to a vet—mainly because the vet cannot gradually (within one counselling session or after one prescription) disappear it, or, even say, diminish the symptoms by 10% each week over a period of ten weeks. The reason PTSD is always prolonged is because a vet gets paid for convincing the doctor they have it and then they must dramatize their "PTSD" every time they visit the VA. In other words, a false diagnosis of PTSD can cause a vet to be even more out-integrity.

PTSD is extremely expensive for the tax paying public. Disrespectful deception (exaggerating/misrepresenting ones health condition so as to get more disability pay) confirms that acknowledgment and respect are missing in a vet's relationship with his/her community—one doesn't rip off someone they respect. The VA system supports an entitlement mentality; what would work are cash awards for getting better and, an acknowledgment system that works.

Most vets are dragging around thousands (yes thousands) of things for which they have not been acknowledged. The mind tends to dismiss the good deeds (those expected of him/her—the routine, seemingly too-petty-to-ask-for acknowledgments) and, to hide or "forget" the bad/shameful deeds—all of which float around in the back of the mind as incompletes—serving as barriers to manifesting one's stated intentions. These persistent thoughts are called incompletes. An incomplete is any interaction, any incident, any communication, that has yet to be verbally communicated responsibly (from cause) through to mutual satisfaction with a respected person.
    No number of medals, awards or commendations completely acknowledge a veteran for all his/her services. "No one knows . . . ," "You wouldn't understand . . . ," "If you only knew . . . , " and, "I don't want to talk about it." are typical veteran mantras. Even a civilian's well-meaning attempt at acknowledgment, "Thank you for your service" can't been fully experienced because the words trigger thoughts about unacknowledged perpetrations. A truly valuable acknowledgment would be, "What about your service have you yet to be acknowledged?"

    Acknowledgment can not take place with deceptions or withholds in the space.  Attempting to acknowledge anyone, especially a vet who is dragging around a lifetime of unacknowledged perpetrations, adds another withhold to the mind— "Yah but . . ." The acknowledgment simply can't be deservedly experienced.
One important agreement for clearings is that each participant and the facilitator (coaches, therapists, and counselors) are honor-bound (as are priests/psychiatrists) to not disclose any content shared during a clearing.  What's most important is that the vet has at least one person they can trust to simply "get" their thoughts without fear of consequences, punishments, loss/reduction of benefits or disability/pension awards.

Community Communications, a 501(c)(3) educational organization, located in Pahoa, is accepting registrations for the free Support Group for Vets. A vet agrees to meet with nine other vets for a three-hour session every other week for ten sessions.  The meetings are facilitated by a leadership-relationship communication-skills coach. Each Support Group will meet on the same evening every other week. As with all ComCom's programs, no fees, donations only.

1  An acknowledgment can't be completely gotten when there is an unacknowledged perpetration (a withhold/deceit) in the space; what does happen is an imitation of communication referred to as talking. Talking produces more of the same. Many clients sense that if a therapist doesn't uncover their con within minutes, if the counselor isn't sharp enough, then they (the client) know they are dealing with someone like most everyone else they've conned in life (someone in the process of becoming a leader, very nice but uninspiring). The client is assured that they are safe from having to acknowledge responsibility (cause) for the results they have been producing.

2 "Smoke/smoking" meaning ingesting/inhaling.
3 "clearing/clearing session" A communication-skills enhancing educational process in which the agreement is to communicate openly, honestly, and spontaneously—zero thoughts withheld—for the purpose of emptying the mind of thoughts (incompletes) that get in the way of manifesting one's stated intentions. 

4 When one describes a pain from blame, so as to be right, the pain persists (this is referred to as talking about ones problems). Whereas with communication, one describes their pain responsibly, from cause, with the intention of disappearing it. Many of the country's 300,000 homeless Vets have become stuck dramatizing their blaming anger, "Look what you've done to me." They are intent on making the community feel guilty for not being able to "get" them. The mind will kill the body so as to make another wrong. 

5 "clear" —for a VA staff member/doctor to be a safe space for truths to be elicited/told (for true communication to take place) they must do The Clearing Process for Professionals or a similar acknowledgment process. A staff member who is him/herself dragging around life's verbally unacknowledged perpetrations into each and every conversation is experienced as being like everyone else, someone equally committed to mediocrity—a very nice person who means well but is not in-integrity, therefore he/she is not inspiring, someone not awake, not sharp enough to catch the withholds.

6 "dramatizing" as in— {Look at my face. Can't you tell I'm stuck? Can't you see me reaching out as best I know how? Obviously I don't seem to be able to keep things working the way I'd like; hell, I can't communicate with you any better than I could with my 7th grade history teacher. I don't like that I've turned into a self-righteous judgmental-machine.} —all communicated non-verbally day after day after day, because know one knows how to "get" these specific communications (read Acknowledging a Veteran.

7 All Vets who have been diagnosed with PTSD have one or more unacknowledged perpetrations, something, some thought, they are withholding from someone. There are no exceptions to this phenomenon.
For more read: Communication-Skills Tutorial for Veterans.


* Most marijuana users say that two undesirable side effects of regular marijuana use is lethargy and apathy. In truth, for most, smoking without a conscious purpose does in fact produce lethargy and apathy evidenced by an increase in procrastinations. Most "profound" creative/realizations experienced while smoking are seldom acted upon. The Beatles and generations of other artists  attest to the value of smoking with a purpose.

* Teens usually start smoking pot because peers say it feels good, that it makes them happy. A teen wants to experience happiness usually because they aren't happy at home.  A teen who smokes pot regularly is not in-communication with his/her parents. Teens require the daily high that's generated from being in communication with ones family members.

* A teen mirrors the integrity of his/her parents who withhold certain thoughts from each other; parents teach their child to withhold and deceive evidenced by the fact that the majority of teens hide thoughts of thinking about smoking or about having sex. All sexually active teens conned their dates into deceiving their date's parents as well. The karma of these withholds, these deceits, affect ones aliveness, ones physical and mental health, ones ability to "be" when studying.

* Teens from happy homes may try pot but they discover that though the effects are pleasant, it's not that much better than when they are in-communication with their family around the dinner table.  They have been taught (it has been modeled for them) how to get happy via communication. Some families now use pot as a transformational rite of passage for their teen child; an award for responsible behavior—an enlightening, guided educational experience—good family fun.

* It's possible that the most damaging side effect for teen pot smoking is the karma from deceiving ones parents; it's virtually impossible to be with ones studies (or any endeavor) if the mind is partially occupied with sustaining a deception. 
* Vets who do drugs have not found any civilian community, group, or organization that operates at the same level of integrity as the military, hypocrisy is the norm—ergo, there's no game worth playing. Few Vets pursue the teaching profession, fewer former well-trained leaders become school principals. The thoughts are, "No one values me" and, It's hopeless." Most Vets discover that civilians are unconsciously committed to mediocrity therefore, they simply give up trying to make a difference. They resign themselves to simply surviving, to entropy.

Note: This rumor is edited frequently (last edited 4/6/17)

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