Author Topic: About death by choice—some thoughts  (Read 4480 times)


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About death by choice—some thoughts
« on: August 20, 2015, 03:49:36 AM »
A train station in Japan is installing cameras so as to detect when someone is walking erratically, like they are drunk; this, so as to stop men from unconsciously killing themselves by "falling" in front of a train. In other words, society is removing yet another acceptable way of committing seppuku (hari-kiri).

Rare is a family member who acknowledges that his/her leadership-communication skills, their addiction to mediocrity, drove their child to do drugs; yet they are probably among the majority who would vote against allowing one to choose death. The message being: You can't kill yourself—you must compromise your integrity like the rest of us do.

Where are you about allowing a person to choose to die? Do you expect others to put up with your hypocrisy, your own commitment to mediocrity, you who non-verbally support neighbors suing tobacco companies for cancer or McDonald's for a hot coffee burn?

Most adults have forgotten what it was like to be an aware teen who could see the hypocrisy of adults.  Teens watch their parents be abusive to each other; these same adults advise teens to not treat others as they do.* Teens discover that what they've learned about communication doesn't work when it comes to supporting parents being nice to each other or in making healthy choices. It drives one crazy to live amongst crazies AND, overweight therapists, teachers, and clergy know this.

Most parents are unconscious. They pretend to not know that they are teaching their child to lie and deceive—evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have premarital sex. Parents espouse truthful openness yet hide their own teen perpetrations from their child —this omission (this deceit) causes children to give up trying to be as responsible, honest, and ethical as their parents present themselves to be.

* Virtually none hear one parent say to the other, "I get that what I said earlier didn't feel good." —a communication that acknowledges and completes abuse.

The present quick painless way to commit suicide is to breath nitrogen gas in a small tent-like enclosure. However, it's a bit of a hassle to buy a fully charged bottle of nitrogen and to construct a small enclosure in which to breathe the gas. One can buy complete home-kits in Switzerland.

Last edited 8/5/23


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