Author Topic: Next teen sexual evolution?  (Read 4371 times)


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Next teen sexual evolution?
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:44:06 AM »
Next teen sexual evolution?

Could it be that the next teen-dating evolution, to replace the popular Abstinence Agreement popular amongst some teens, will include introducing each other to one's parents (beginning with a sit-down meal with all family members) so as to have their [parent's] support for a responsible loving relationship, to include a guilt-free first time sex experience?

The trend will emphasize open, honest, and spontaneous communication, zero deceits—the very same leadership-communication skills one needs to have sucessful relationships.
    Presently, nationwide, parents teach their teens to deceive them—evidenced by the fact that that vast majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex.
Parents learned this way of teaching deceit from their parents, teachers, and clergy; it's referred to as the Adversarial Communication Model, it dooms teens to the karma of the effects of doing their imitation of communication.

With genuine communication there is no need for deceiving, withholding, or blaming. Few teens learn how to clear* and so they drag life's unacknowledged perpetrations into each and every interaction—for life.

Communication is not taught in schools and universities because it requires that students and teachers alike agree to tell the truth to each other, to honor agreements, zero badmouthing, and to be willing to communicate through to mutual satisfaction.

More to come.

Last edited 8/24/16

* a clearing process disappears the karmic effects of unacknowledged perpetrations. Unlike confession (confession assigns penances and admonishments), a clearing is a simple easy communication process that supports ones intention to be complete, to be in-integrity.  It creates space for communication to take place.


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