Author Topic: Principals nationwide to support Homework Agreement  (Read 4701 times)


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Principals nationwide to support Homework Agreement
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:16:25 AM »
A news report I'd like to read:

A spokesperson for the National Association of High School Principals announced that principals nationwide have agreed to co-create and support a Principal-Teacher Homework Agreement with each of their teachers. Teachers in turn will co-create a Teacher-Student-Parent Homework Agreement with each student and his/her parents. Teachers will communicate* the homework and then report the results of their homework communication to the principal daily.

Premise: The leadership-communication skills it takes to co-create and support the Teacher-Student-Parent Homework Agreement are the same skills it takes to cause learning to take place and to effect satisfactory fundings for salaries, supplies, and maintenance.

Note: Although it appears that the Teacher-Student-Parent Homework Agreement is about ensuring that students do their homework it's primarily about keeping to front of the mind the correlation between personal integrity and outcomes.**

Our combined present leadership-communication skills cause 50% of our nation's high school graduates, as incoming college freshman, to require remedial reading and comprehension courses. Principals compromise their integrity by handing out diplomas to students they failed to teach.*** —Kerry

Each principal will ask teachers to demonstrate an ability to consistently cause all homework to be turned in on time and done neatly ("neatly" meaning: Penmanship or printing to be done to a penmanship teacher's standard of acceptance).

Principals will model for teachers how to produce a specific result (no excuses, no reasons). Teachers will report the Homework Results Statistics to their principal each day. The objective is for each teacher to cause their students to recreate the Homework Communication. The results will reveal if communication took place.  i.e. "10/8/16: I caused 20 of my 25 students to turn in the homework on time and legibly."

Says the spokesperson, "It's about doing complete work. It's about having reports to the principal be completed and turned in on time." ("completed" meaning: all spaces filled in and legible).

For more about homework read:

The Homework Story
The Teacher's Pay Project
Communication-Skills Tutorial for Teachers

* "communicate" vs. doing his/her Imitation of Communication. The test? We know that communication has taken place when all the students turn in their homework on time and neatly.

** The subject is of consequences is understood by most everyone, however it's not taught through to knowing, even at West Point—evidenced by the fact that General Petraeus**** unconsciously risked the lives of all military personnel serving under his command in Iraq, and later the entire nation while serving as the Director of the CIA, by cheating on his spouse while presenting himself as an honorable person. Even worse, those around him were so unconscious they couldn't experience that he was walking around out-integrity. Those that might have know were equally out-integrity for supporting him. Understanding something is as far from knowing as is not knowing. Many other leaders

*** I'm unaware of any college or university that require Leadership Training for its education or medical-school majors—lots of courses, seminars, and workshops about leadership, but not trainings. Both doctors and teachers practice (trial and error) their skills on us.

**** And many other leaders.

Last edited 11/3/16


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