Author Topic: Consequences of tithing while receiving welfare  (Read 4204 times)


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Consequences of tithing while receiving welfare
« on: June 10, 2016, 02:52:57 AM »

1. Could it be that welfare recipients who tithe to their church cause even more* undesirable financial karma for themselves—and all with whom they relate—perhaps causing one to remain stuck financially?

2. Is it ethical to give away money you got from your neighbors for rent/food assistance? That is to say, you reported to the state/county that you needed financial support to survive.

3. Are there undesirable consequences for giving away money that you have only because the county or state (your neighbors, your community) are helping you financially?

4. Is there a correlation between church attendance and the fact that a pastor knowingly receives money from members who themselves received the money from taxpayers for necessities?

5. What percent of a church's tithings come from welfare recipients? (10%, 20%, 30% —perhaps more than 50%). It could be said that a significant percentage of churches are partly financed by tax money.

6) What percent of tithings received from welfare recipients is sent to other countries? All church members have homeless and hungry neighbors; something about a pastor's message (delivered using his/her leadership-communication skills) doesn't serve his/her own community, yet they send money to others.**

7. Is it ethical for a pastor to receive money to pay his/her family's bills knowing that the donor is receiving financial support from the state/county, and, most likely has one or more late payments (broken agreements) due? Put another way, screwing over a fellow merchant to support a belief system (one that creates divisive conditions of us/them all over the world).

8. Do you know of a pastor who announces before each collection, "If you are receiving financial support from the county or state please do not tithe money, instead, donate your time to help us with maintenance"?

* Premise: How we communicate, our leadership-communication skills, produce all of our results. Needing financial assistance from neighbors suggests that something's not working for you, possibly your integrity is out somewhere—usually it's a childhood perpetration (lie, deceit, theft, abuse) for which you have yet to be acknowledged (caught). Karma, though not always immediate, is always perfectly appropriate; it's how we'd have it (it's how we get caught, how we punish ourselves). We are too honest; we can't let our self win big (sustained happiness, success/prosperity) by getting away with an abuse, a con, or a single lie. Acknowledging a perpetration completes the karmic effects. To restore and maintain your integrity do The Clearing Process, —it's free and it works.

** An airline steward advises, "Put on your oxygen mask first before trying to help your child." As pertains to church members, share with others how your beliefs have solved social problems in your own community.

For more about this topic read the Potential Rumor: Big Isle pastor conflicted about welfare tithings

Read about a cause of recidivism

Last edited 12/18/23


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