Author Topic: Living without eating and drinking?  (Read 4093 times)


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Living without eating and drinking?
« on: August 15, 2016, 01:38:14 AM »
In his Autobiography of A Yogi author Paramahansa Yogananda wrote that Yogi Sri Yukteswar, one of India's acknowledged yogis, had visited Yogini Giri Bala an Indian woman who reportedly had not eaten or drank anything for over 50 years. Several notable doubting Gurus had tested Giri Bala with rigorous observations (locked her in a room for weeks at a time) and had confirmed her ability. She was born 1880 and was 68 at the time of Yukteswar's visit.

Sri Yukteswar, himself an acknowledged Guru and Master, asked Giri why she had not taught everyone in her poor village how to live without food or water. She replied that it would not be fair because it would put farmers out of work. She added that her guru had her promise to not divulge the technique to anyone; the meditation process includes breathwork and a secret kria mantra (chant) that transforms air, light, sound, ether, and cosmic energy into usable energy for the body.

At first Giri's reasons sounded reasonable but I've since had the following considerations. 
  • I was disappointed that Yukteswar didn't address or acknowledge our creative abilities. Giri Bala's reason doesn't take into consideration that people would simply find new ways to spend their time rather than growing, transporting, preparing, eating and disposing of the various wastes (Giri Bala did not urinate or defecate).
  • I think most everyone would try the energy-generating meditation process but few would have the integrity or discipline* to continue. We already know how to live healthfully yet we are addicted to not doing all we can to live more healthfully/spiritually. Each of us have one or more addictions that we know supports entropy. i.e. Most of us are addicted to interacting with (or doing business with) people whom we know to be out-integrity—people with whom we do our imitation of communication, who actually detract from our aliveness, our very health.
  • For sure it would have an enormous effect on climate change; the implications are beyond comprehension. If I were a farmer I believe I'd be willing to find another occupation in favor of saving the planet. In any case, the change would take decades as we each confronted the choice to live with integrity.
  • The yogic technique would be a beneficial requirement for space travelers; the selection process for astronauts would have entirely different criteria.

* Most present-day yogis, clerics, masseuses, rebirthers, therapists and coaches are out-integrity. Their instructors (as opposed to "teachers") do not inspire their students to live from integrity.  i.e. A massage (or any uplifting service) when performed by a person of integrity, is a transformational experience. Unfortunately, present-day masseuses communicate their integrity non-verbally and psychically as they lay hands on a client;** the vibrations of a client and a masseuse are co-mingled rather than the masseuse being a grounding conduit for energy release and realignment. In other words, a person of integrity can experience a masseuse's out-integrity. Consequently, massages feel good but few clients rave to their friends, "It was mind blowing. You've just got to visit this person." Note: A true massage begins with a clearing process such as The Clearing Process—so as to create space for communication to take place.

** The test, as to whether or not you've been massaged by a person who operates from integrity, is if the experience was transformational, if you found yourself raving about the experience thereafter; life was never the same. The same in-processing procedure is an indicator as to whether or not your health care professional (therapist, counselor, or doctor) is clear about the correlation between ones personal integrity and life's results.

Supportive reading: About The Course in Miracles.

Last edited 10/5/16


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