Author Topic: Billionaires match health-cure donation with LTAT  (Read 4451 times)


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Billionaires match health-cure donation with LTAT
« on: October 16, 2016, 03:49:44 AM »
Reported fact:

10/8/16: —"Facebook Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have pledged over $3 billion towards a plan to ‘‘cure, prevent or manage all disease within our children's lifetime."

A news report I'd like to read:

During a recent interview Mark and Priscilla acknowledged that any plan, such as, "No Child Left Behind," "Common Core," "Race to the Top," "Every Student Succeeds," and their own "$3 billion . . . cure . . ." plan, no matter how brilliant, can only produce more of the same if it's implemented using the prevailing Adversarial Communication Model taught and used throughout the nation's schools—the present model (a way of communicating) causes 25% of the nation's college freshman to require remedial comprehension and composition courses. School principals* and education majors alike are missing leadership training. Required classes, courses, honor courses, seminars and continuing education workshops? Yes. Trainings? No. The most junior enlisted military leaders (a corporal, seaman, airman, or private) have more leadership training than our education majors.**

With the above in mind, the Zuckerbergs have agreed to fund a Leadership Training Academy for Teachers (LTAT). Schools will send qualified teachers to the live-in Academy (site to be located) for one week of intensive leadership training—including basic self-defense (restraining holds and grips)***, first-aid training, tear-gas mask training, appropriate survival training, four hours per day of leadership-relationship communication processes addressing the following—
  • Personal integrity (restoring and maintaining)—its correlation to results
  • Creating and supporting agreements
  • Getting another's anger
  • Clarification of the following communication variables: Responsibility, integrity, incompletes, withholds, perpetrations, and acknowledgments.
The Training will transform an educator's experience of communication; specifically, LTAT participants will be able to cause students and parents to honor the Teacher-Student-Parent Homework Agreement (most parents are unaware that they have an agreement to send their child to school with the homework done neatly; instead, many parents thwart the person they are paying to teach their child). Stated responsibly—educators unconsciously set up a parent to thwart them and then blame the parent/student.

* Most high school principals have not been trained to cause all daily, weekly, and monthly teacher reports to be handed in on time (completed, accurate, and neat).

** Few veterans (experienced leaders) opt to become teachers—partly because of—
    —the lack of principal support for teacher-discipline within our schools.
    —the lack of respect most vets have for the majority of their own high school teachers.
    —the fact that most teachers are connable.
    —the curriculum for education majors does not include basic leadership training.
    —the present slow ineffective process for terminating an ineffective teacher.
    —the "good" teachers non-verbally vote to retain the unfit teachers another 24-hours.
*** When a leader carries him/herself with confidence they create a respectful relationship. A weak, wimpy, overweight, fearful, unhappy teacher does not command respect. Re: "overweight" —a teacher must demonstrate the effectiveness of the school's curriculum (biology, health, exercise, diet and nutrition classes) else, the school reveals that what's being taught doesn't work.  An overweight teacher communicates that something is out integrity-wise (he she is not in-communication with anyone, yes anyone) —when the truth is told unwanted problems disappear. Typically, an overweight teacher will decline an invitation to do The Clearing Process for Professionals, in part because the teacher knows that the process requires acknowledging all of life's perpetrations—they are dragging around into each student/parent interaction an unacknowledged perpetration (a deceit, a blaming lie, or a withhold)  —there are no exceptions to this phenomenon.

Note 1: Most adults, if asked, will admit that they could easily con most teachers. Teachers should have a reputation of being loving and compassionate but "tough" and strict—all homework agreements honored (no excuses no reasons).

Note 2: The "plan" as described in needs rewording. i.e. ". . .  manage all disease . . . " A result such as "manage" can't be measured accurately; even without the "plan" health will be managed "better." A plan must include measurable, observable, objective realistic goals.

Communication Models: —a way of communicating—with specific implied or specified rules.

1) The communication model taught throughout our nation's schools is referred to as the Adversarial Communication Model. It's characterized by abusive blaming, withholding thoughts of choice, self-righteous badmouthing, and an uncontrollable addiction to arguing.  This model continues to cause 25% of our nation's college-university freshmen to require remedial courses to teach them what their high school teachers failed to teach. It also trains unconscious parents to teach their children to lie—evidenced by the fact that the majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex.

2) Another communication model is referred to as the Intentional Communication Model. Its rules: Honor your word, tell the truth, communicate responsibly—from cause, verbally acknowledge all perpetrations and significant withholds, and, an agreement to communicate upsets to the person with whom one has the upset.  Re: "significant." A thought is considered significant if verbalizing it would trigger upset or anger. A fleeting nonrecurring thought is not considered a withhold (all withholds are being communicated non-verbally).

Last edited 3/28/18


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