Author Topic: Severe fines for Americans who hire undocumented workers  (Read 4578 times)


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Severe fines for Americans who hire undocumented workers
« on: February 07, 2017, 05:09:33 AM »
News report I'd like to read:

The President has announced severely fining Americans who hire/shelter* undocumented workers and to grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants and the Americans who have hired them. It doesn't make sense to deport undocumented workers given that we enticed them to come work. Punishing an immigrant without punishing the law-breaking enabler (with an equal consequence) is not our way, it's not American nor is it fair."

"Rather than build the wall this solution costs us way less and it will greatly reduce the flow of immigrants."

"We'll give everyone a period of time (to be determined) to restore their integrity, to leave or get legal documentation. I intend to grant West Coast Prison Wardens temporary permission to hire out low risk prisoners for farm labor, picking, etc. so, that food processors don't have to hire undocumented works. It'll be great because the prisoners will have some start-up money for when they are released."

* "shelter" refers to anyone who, from this day (1/1/19) forward, give shelter to undocumented friends/relatives. There will substantial fines for sheltering undocumented people.

Last edited 4/11/21


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