Author Topic: Communicating with President Trump—an intention  (Read 4323 times)


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Communicating with President Trump—an intention
« on: March 07, 2017, 05:21:46 AM »
Communicating with President Trump—an intention

To experience the experience of being in mutually satisfying communication with President Trump, as with anyone else, requires intention; specifically, conscious intention. Unconscious intentions produce what we've been experiencing.

So far we have been unconsciously intending that the president (via his tweets) dump thoughts into our space, thoughts that leave us wondering, confused or upset.

Given our present leadership-communication skills I don't have any reality that either of us (you the reader or myself) could get into communication with President Trump; it's particularly embarrassing for me given my profession as a Leadership-Relationship Communication-Skills Coach).

Presently there is no system in place for us to responsibly ask for, and get, clarifications. As we've noticed from our reactions, via the media, it's altogether too easy to blame the president for this less-than mutually-satisfying way of interacting. It's the same with spousal abuse; the alleged "victim" usually blames their partner, oblivious as to his/her cause.  Through coaching all "victims" can recall the fork in the road, the specific interaction, that non-verbally granted their partner permission to continue abusing.1 History refers to citizens who vote non-verbally as the "good Germans."

I post here now because more often than not I'm noticing that I'm incomplete with much of what the president says; even more so because I/we haven't been effective in creating a two-way communication channel, between the president and us, that works for all concerned. Using coaching jargon, "tweets" are referred to as dumps. A dump is when one talks but doesn't provide (ensure) feedback—that is to say, we don't have a way of asking the president for clarification about any specific tweet; the media continues to be ineffective at eliciting an acknowledgment from the president for each confusing/divisive tweet. Too many times we see interviewers not asking the questions we'd ask, or, not insisting that the president answer a question, which rewards and trains him to manipulate us in a way that doesn't feel good.
Addressing the above, I'd like you, the reader, to intend that President Trump accepts our2 invitation to participate in a free 3-hour televised communication consultation.3 I'm certain that after the consultation viewers everywhere will have an expanded experience of open, honest, and spontaneous communication with the president.

As the facilitator-coach of the consultation with the president I will address what's in the space, the incompletes and confusions, between us. As with all coaching conversations my agreement, as the facilitator, is to not blame or make the participant wrong or communicate in a way that is abusive. In other words, for the president to agree to a consultation he must have our assurance that the consult will be a safe space to tell the truth.4

The consultation with the president is guaranteed to produce positive outcomes. Why? Because it's virtually impossible to participate in such an educational process, about leadership, communication, and mutually satisfying results, and have it not work (at least a little bit). The word “participate” is a reminder that TV viewers will also be experiencing the consultation, experiencing the experience of communication; it will impact all concerned. The exchange will generate new conversations and intentions that will support clarity.

Part of what will be addressed during the consultation between President Trump and myself is setting up a communication channel that supports certainty and completion.

Note: Could it be that President Trump is the leader we've been looking for? It's tempting to blame him because I/we haven't found an effective way of communicating with him. Universities model and teach the Adversarial Communication Model to its education majors—so, what we've learned is how to badmouth and blame our leaders, unawares of the karma of such abuse.  President Trump presently has no choice other than to mirror our integrity. We all simply resist having to play too honest, too responsible. For the president to be honest with us we must begin by being honest within our personal relationships (—zero significant withholds).

It's up to us to learn how to deliver feedback in a way that is both valued and appreciated. Support the Communicating with President Trump—an intention project.

1 Both partners must agree up-front to verbally acknowledge to the other when an interaction doesn't feel good. i.e. "I need you to tell me that you know that that didn't feel good." The partner who doesn't insist upon an abuse being acknowledged, becomes cause for all the abuse that follows.

2 "our" You and I and others. Of the est. 318 million Americans how many votes in favor of the consultation do you think it would take for President Trump to accept our invitation?

3 Our task is to intend that the President accepts our invitation for a consultation, otherwise, i believe the president will create a way of ending his presidency early [quit, relieved, impeached, or assassinated].

4 A consultation is not about getting someone to admit fault, it's not about extracting what we want to hear. It's about creating a safe space for mutually satisfying communications to take place.

Last edited 3/12/17

Reference #1
Reference #2
Reference #3
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