Author Topic: Media's reporting of workplace sex "victims."  (Read 4460 times)


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Media's reporting of workplace sex "victims."
« on: October 14, 2017, 05:26:28 AM »
I'm having a problem with the media's reporting of the "victims" of abusive males in the workplace. I've yet to hear a "victim" communicate responsibly, from cause, as to how she, using her leadership communication-skills, seduced a letch1 into seducing her; most sound like the blaming former Scientologist Leah Remini, "They did it to me" victims.  Whaaat? Too soon? Perhaps it's not yet time evolution-wise to address our addiction to blaming and to enabling blamers—evidenced by the fact that the media continually enables blamers.2

I learned about choices and who not to work for and socialize with during K-12. Throughout life I have learned to not work for the mafia or to accept an invitation to a church's, or a white supremacist's pot-luck. Why? Because most of us are aware of their enrollment agenda, ergo, the possibilities. We know the actual, ethics, morals, and values of our mostly male dominated entertainment, business and legal world.

A person of integrity cannot survive in most businesses except that they are continually compromising their integrity. For example: A teen girl who conned boys into paying for her dates (a girl who chose the easier curriculum, instead of becoming a self-sufficient professional, who seduced a boy into marrying her to take care of her financially) seldom makes the connection between her unacknowledged teen perpetrations and undesirable consequences later in life.

As a teen I knew to look for girls who were not in-communication with her parents, who could be conned into deceiving them so as to have sex.  A "No possibility of sex" is clearly communicated non-verbally; it's a visceral energy-field of "on-purposefullness." For such a determined woman it would be unethical of her to date (or even "accidentally" mislead) someone not of her social-economic status. TV and movies are rife with plots about the folly of dating one's boss.3  Most teen girls, while watching a movie of some creepy dude conning an "innocent" girl into going to his apartment, say to themselves, "No! No! Don't go! He wants to get in your pants."  Girls have been warned to not wear revealing "sexy" clothes that attract males on the prowl, yet many, now as women, still wear clothes to work that a Mormon mother would advise against.

All females know that if one goes to a man's apartment that he will most likely misinterpret your willingness (your naïve trusting act) as a possible invitation, most always because "absolutely no sex" was not verbally communicated up front.

People who work in certain professions generate specific predictable problems that cause one to compromise his/her integrity hourly.  Such compromises always generate undesirable and appropriate karma, specifically, zero experiences of joy and happiness each day.

Some examples:

1. In most police departments all the "good" cops vote daily, non-verbally, to retain at least one dishonest fellow officer, thereby submitting the public to ....  —such a compromise serves as a barrier to joy. The same phenomenon applies to law enforcement spouses who know at least one member of the law enforcement community who is involved in adultery/deceptions.

2. Most every teacher knows at least one fellow teacher who should not be teaching children, yet these ostensibly "good," even "awarded," teachers daily submit the school's children to another 24-hours of this wanna-be teacher—always for reasonable reasons. 

3. Most employees thwart their boss/supervisors by non-verbally condoning badmouthing of them by others.

Having facilitated thousands of hours of one-to-one 3-hr leadership-relationship communication-skills coaching sessions I've never come across anyone who could not recall how they caused a particular outcome—the specific communication that was the turning point that revealed their cause for an outcome; all can recall their (at-the-time) hidden agenda—what they were unconsciously up to. For example: A "victim" of cheating unconsciously masterminding the cheating and the divorce.

1 One test for "letch" is whether or not one's parents would advise against socializing (or even working with/for) him.

2 No conscious responsible reporter would support such blaming, therefore the reports don't speak well for the self-policing integrity of the media.

3 Most girls are totally unaware of the leadership-communication skills it takes to be a successful business person—to simply own and maintain an expensive car. Such an ignorant naïve girl can't begin to imagine the number of sales transactions a successful business person has had and won, that has earned him his success. She arrogantly thinks that she can, using what she learned about communication in high school, con him into not wanting sex once he has her in his pent house. She believes that what she learned about communication in high school is what communication is.  If truth be told it's tantamount to date rape for an exec to date a young working-class woman; it's much the same as dating an underage girl.

Here's more about "date rape".

Note: The media and I (and all university Speech-Communication professors) have been afraid to effectively address the subject of responsibility, ergo, 25% of the nation's college freshman require remedial comprehension and composition courses to learn what teaches failed to communicate K-12.

Last edited 6/23/21


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