Author Topic: Right to die---a consideration  (Read 4660 times)


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Right to die---a consideration
« on: March 31, 2018, 12:08:30 AM »
Hawaii's recent legislation allows patients (in a hospital under a doctor's care) to opt to die. This presents the question: How do people who can't afford medical insurance, a doctor or a hospital, choose suicide?

Seems as though a homeless person should be able to obtain, and have available, a hydrogen cyanide capsule.
Although Hawaii's recent law is a compassionate step I'm predicting a scenario similar to that of obtaining a medical marijuana permit.  A person wanting to die will shop around for a sympathetic doctor to issue a prescription; this, is based upon the fact that most doctors will try to talk you into existing, that, or submit you to various "tests" to convince them that you deserve to die. If something isn't done to take the option of dying out of the government's hands black-market sources will prevail.

Forcing another (our children) to live with hypocrisy in a society in which one must compromise his/her integrity just to survive is unethical.*
  • A United States President is allowed to lie, blame, and badmouth.
  • Police are allowed to lie, "We have proof you did it."
  • Infidelity within most organizations is supported.
  • Most adults can only recall one "excellent" teacher.
  • "Good/awarded" teachers daily vote, non-verbally, to submit students to other teachers they know to be ineffective.
  • Some students resort to shooting others because no one knows how to get into communication with them.
  • Parents, using the present communication model taught to and used by all education majors, unconsciously teach their children to lie, evidenced by the fact that most teens con each other into deceiving both set of parents so as to have sex.
  • Churches send money to other countries knowing their teachings don't inspire its members to take care of their own hungry and homeless.

* What's communicated to our youth is--"I know, the mess we've created sucks but I/we won't let you choose to die."

Note #1 Socialized medicine would allow everyone to choose to die without having to lie, exaggerate, or beg for permission.

Note #2 Communities could read their suicide stats each month that would tell whether or not they are inspiring others to live.

More about euthanasia

Last edited 7/23/22


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