Author Topic: Politicians to be required to record all conversations  (Read 4727 times)


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Politicians to be required to record all conversations
« on: April 27, 2018, 06:22:34 AM »
A news report I'd like to see:

Politicians soon to be required to record (audio and video) all conversations.*
In the near future all elected public servants will be required to record all conversations. Operating expenses for political leaders will include costs for recording equipment (including two-way telephone recording devices) and its team of operators.

In other words, meetings held outside the office will require that a politician have an entourage of video recording  technicians** accompany him/her throughout the day—one camera aimed at the asker and another camera aimed at the politician.

Politicians will tell anyone asking a question outside, away from, the office, “I can’t answer you now. Please come by the office when I have my recording team.”

Additionally, every politician must backup his/her computer and cell phone every day. Costly penalties for “forgetting.”

* Far too many times we hear politicians, especially during judicial hearings or TV interviews, say, “I don’t recall saying that.” True or not, few listeners believe such statements.

** It’s envisioned that some leaders will inspire teams of volunteer interns to do the recordings throughout each day.

Last edited 6/10/18


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