Author Topic: Winning gamblers must reimburse welfare agency  (Read 4870 times)


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Winning gamblers must reimburse welfare agency
« on: May 15, 2018, 04:31:54 AM »
A news report I'd like to read.

Hawaii's legislators have voted to cross-check gambling wins against the names of those receiving any form of welfare. Gamblers who have won money must immediately reimburse their welfare agency.

Quotes one Senator, "It's not fair for us to be giving money and benefits to someone who has enough money that they can afford to gamble or tithe to their church, yet be eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)."

Legislators who voted to allow states to regulate their own gambling laws did not survey the millions and millions of housewives w/children—whose partners are addicted to gambling, who spend food/rent money on gambling—how they felt about making it easier to gamble. Many of these families are receiving some form of welfare.

Last edited 7/20/20


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