Author Topic: Leadership Training Program  (Read 5699 times)


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Leadership Training Program
« on: October 23, 2018, 04:25:49 AM »
A news report I'd like to read.

Leadership Training Program for Education, Health-Care, and Political Science Majors.

The Chancellor of Hawaii's University is said to be considering adding Leadership Training to its curriculum. The four-year training program would be a requirement for education, health-care, and political science majors, initially optional for all others.

The legislature is said to be considering the same requirement for candidates for office, and all applicants for city/county/state (elected/appointed) leadership positions.1

I'm unaware of any college or university that requires or even offers Leadership Training for its Health-Care and Education Majors---courses, classes, seminars, programs, tutorials, individual studies, workshops, yes, trainings no. --Kerry

What's the difference between a class and a training? Communication classes/courses are about being introduced to the fundamentals and principles of communication, of understanding and knowing-about. Trainings are about demonstrating the ability to consistently manifest one's stated intentions. A training addresses personal responsibility < > and the correlation between personal integrity and outcomes. For example: Virtually all teachers (yes, all teachers nationwide) are withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance (including their own parents, and spouse); these "teachers" unconsciously train eventual parents to teach their children to lie and withhold (deceive) evidenced by the fact that the majority of dating teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex. Most "teachers" who receive awards, using their leadership-communication skills, vote non-verbally, every twenty-four hours, to submit students to a fellow teacher whom everyone knows is not committed to teaching. It's impossible to have an ineffectual teacher in a school that has one leader.

Four consistently undesirable results we (you and I) have been producing over several decades:
  • Hawaii's 42% recidivism rate (number of prisoners who return to prison one or more times).2
  • The fact that for the past 40 years more than 25% of the nation's university freshman have required remedial comprehension and composition courses to learn what their K-12 "teachers" failed to communicate.3
  • All police officers (and their spouses) presently know of at least one fellow officer who is committing, or has committed, an unacceptable perpetration--such as infidelity.4
  • The fact that all Correctional Facility Wardens are presently required to retain/hire Correctional Officers whom the Warden would not choose if he/she had a choice.5
    Hawaii's present "leaders" have attended many workshops, forums, and classes about communication and leadership, the best the state's education system has to offer, yet they all continue producing results other than what they say they want. All have excellent reasonable reasons to explain these results. None, that I'm aware of, have attended a Leadership Training Program. Military experience is valuable however the military does not provide Leadership-Communication Training evidenced by the fact that our military academies are rife with cheating and sex scandals. 

    Notice that few former Admirals or Generals work in our education system. This is due in part because the screening process is such an insult to a professional that they simply don't submit themselves to such invalidation (all of Hawaii's job interviewers use the prevailing Adversarial Communication Model)6 --all are withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance, all are relatively unconscious.

    The University of Hawaii is experiencing the effects of in-breeding --of high school friends and families hiring friends and ethnic groups, each supporting/enabling the other, and Job Interviewers who hire more-of-the-same, who all use the Adversarial Communication Model taught in our schools.

    It's expected that Hawaii's business leaders will eventually require their managers to have successfully completed a Leadership Training Program. Many CEOs and managers in Hawaii are already inviting employees to do The [free] Clearing Process for Professionals --as a prerequisite to employment--the process restores and supports the maintenance of one's integrity.

    1 Universities do not offer nor require education or health-care majors to successfully complete a Leadership Training Program. I'm unaware of any school that offers such a training; this prompts the question, why? Because to graduate from any "training" one must demonstrate consistent proficiency; as such there would be a high dropout rate due to anger/integrity issues. A student will get angry at the Instructor and try tricks that have worked with parents and others--stink-eye, pouting, shunning, badmouthing, blaming, temper-tantrum, anything to get the other person off of their back with their self-righteous ego and belief system intact. Universities are in business to make money, as such they can not afford to have students quit in anger, so they water-down the speech-communication courses and do not require Leadership Training; consequently, education majors have not learned how to communicate subject matter, especially to unmotivated, angry students and parents.

    2 A recidivist has lied to the Parole Board Members, such as, "I fully accept responsibility for my part in the robbery." or, "I've learned my lesson, no more drugs." A conscious parole board member, one who operates with integrity, would hear the word "part" or the possible lie and deny parole. That is to say, prison counselors are not addressing responsibility through to clarity; their own definition of the word responsibility is missing the word "cause." Parolees have been acknowledged for the perpetration(s) for which they were incarcerated; however, virtually none have been acknowledged for the hundreds (yes, hundreds) of perpetrations committed prior to the one for which they were caught, or the ones committed during incarceration. A parolee unconsciously sets up life to get caught again, hoping that they can find someone who is awake, someone they can't deceive or con. More about Parolees and Parole Board members.

    3 Most of us have poor penmanship. Teachers thwart their school's penmanship teacher by accepting sloppy/illegible work. Universities nationwide have decided to charge freshmen fees for remedial courses rather than require leadership training of all education majors.  Graduates of a Leadership Training Program must have agreement from the majority of fellow students that they believe that he/she is a person who operates with integrity (can be trusted to tell the truth, to honor agreements, and is committed to communicating through to mutual satisfaction) and, "I would trust him/her with my child." Each student must demonstrate an ability to co-create and support agreements. In such a school all teachers meet and vote for each new teacher; all teachers vote each year to retain or retrain each fellow teacher.

    4 All "good and honorable" law enforcement professionals support sting operations, they believe it's necessary to lie and deceive a suspect-- "We know you did it." "We have a witness." All officers know of at least one fellow officer who has committed a perpetration, one that has yet to be verbally acknowledged. Most know of a fellow officer who is involved in infidelity. The integrity of a law enforcement unit is mirrored by its Police Commissioner(s). Few, if any, Commissioners (typically local business leaders) are required to complete The [free] Clearing Process for Professionals and a Leadership Training Program, as such, they do not automatically inspire subordinates (Police Chiefs) to operate with impeccable integrity.

    5 All Correctional Officers and prisoners know of at least one officer who is abusive, one who is committing perpetrations daily, yet there is still no effective reporting system (without fear of retribution) to correct this serious breakdown in communication. The Warden knows of this guard, as do the other guards, but he/she still submits inmates to this unethical guard for another 24-hours. Officers and inmates should be required to complete a weekly anonymous ranking (1 - 10) survey which would reveal the most unethical correctional officer; typically, one name would appear at the top of the list each week.

    6 A common experience of ex-military leaders who hire into Hawaii's schools is that "locals" actively and abusively thwart and resist any change; the reputation of the system is such that few military veterans (leaders) become teachers.   

    Note 1: A leader doesn't attract those who are not ready and willing to operate from integrity, to perform at the level of excellence. When one interacts with a leader it's a powerful validating energizing experience; most subordinates of a leader report that it's a privilege to work with him/her. One is moved to restore and maintain his/her integrity so as to reap the benefits of service--such a person is clear that his/her personal integrity affects all results both at work and home. A leader accepts responsibility for an organization's results and therefore insists upon having the option of firing anyone for any reason within the first three months on the job--the same as all coaches do--unless there is agreement that the org is working as expected.

    Note 2: It's understood that the first few years after universities implement Leadership Training there will be fewer graduates. However, a school/organization with one "leader" is all it takes to produce a transformation.

    Note 3: Virtually all Education Majors graduate with one or more deceits between them and one or more family members (referred to as being out-integrity). All are withholding, hiding something significant, from someone (referred to as deceiving, acting/pretending to be honest).  In other words, personal integrity as a communication variable and its effects on outcomes is not effectively supported in any class for education majors.  What "teachers" non-verbally communicate about integrity is delivered from hypocrisy and is therefore understood but not known, ergo, most all teens, using what they learned about communication from their teachers, con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex.

    Note 4: Most all college graduates are dragging around, into each new conversation, one or more verbally unacknowledged perpetrations (childhood lies, abuses, thefts, and abuses), thoughts they have withheld from their parents; in other words, typical college Sp-Com classes do not address the life-time effects of deceit with one's parents.

    Note 5: Most college graduates unconsciously teach their children to deceive them, evidenced by the fact that most teens con each other into deceiving each other's parents so as to have sex; ergo, few divorced couples have acknowledged (to themselves or their new partner) the specific communication that determined the outcome of the first marriage. Aside from both condoning the deceit of each other's parents, many unconsciously lied with their "till death do us part" wedding vow.

    Note 6: All (yes all) divorced couples brought their addictions to withholding and blaming into the relationship. Both withheld significant thoughts from each other on or before the first date. With 44+ years of coaching couples, I have not found any exceptions to this phenomenon.

    Last edited 1/5/25[/list]


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