Author Topic: Professions that serve as barriers to health and happiness?  (Read 4647 times)


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Professions that serve as barriers to health and happiness?
« on: October 02, 2019, 02:36:48 AM »
Are there professions, purchases, and possessions that serve as barriers to the experience of health and happiness?

If you were to do a survey of tattoo artists, jewelry merchants, many doctors, and thousands of other professionals you'd discover that few experience several moments of joy and love throughout each day. They may know they love their spouse/partner but the love has become conceptualized; giggly joy and appreciation throughout each day are missing.

Many professions1 are not conducive to truth-telling; without exception, everyone that supports the above professions is deceiving someone of significance. If you disagree with this assumption then you too are deceiving someone of significance (you are withholding one or more significant thoughts, a perpetration, from someone of significance).

For example: Each of the above professionals is presenting him/her self as an honorable person yet all (yes all) are withholding some significant thought that if shared verbally2 would upset or hurt another. Each of the above merchants, and their partners/spouses3, are addicted to deceit. Over a period of 44+ years, facilitating thousands of 3-hr communication-coaching consultations, I have not found any exceptions to this phenomenon. Kerry

I believe that under their acts (that life is OK or even satisfying) is the truth. How can one feel truly good about him/herself if they spend money on jewelry, breast implants, or body art knowing there are hungry and homeless people in their own neighborhood? The guilt of ostentation serves as a barrier to communication, to being.

What we're looking at is one's priorities in life: Expensive jewelry, tattoos, or cosmetic surgery? --of course, absolutely, once everyone is fed and has a home.

1 "Many professions . . ." especially those that generate "Me too" victims. That is to say, every "me too victim" heard rumors about the ethics and morality of many businesses; all heard, "Don't go to a man's hotel room." or, "Never ever assume that your high school/college speech-communication skills stand a chance against a professional manager/salesperson." Your surrender skills must equal your assertion skills; you must have developed your upper body strength, your confidence, etc. You must have the option of knowing where/how to disable any asserter. I.e. Few female military veterans put up with a condescending male addicted to verbal abuse.

2 "verbally" The word verbally is a reminder that all withholds are being communicated non-verbally throughout each day. Your spouse/partner may not know what you are hiding from them, only that the love that's automatically generated from open, honest, and spontaneous communication (zero significant withholds), is missing.  "significant" Any thought that if it were shared verbally would trigger upset, hurt, or anger.

3 The spouse of a Mafia Don is equally responsible for the hurt and pain caused by their non-verbal support. A responsible spouse knows, with near certainty, that their partner has not caused anyone hurt or pain that day.

Which of the following professions support health and happiness?

Bars and strip joints: Yes__? No__?
Prostitution: Yes__? No__?
Mining, selling, or buying diamonds: Yes__? No__?
Buying, owning, selling stocks: Yes__? No__?
Banking and loaning businesses: Yes__? No__?
Non-profits in which the CEO makes all his/her money: Yes__? No__?
Law enforcement in its present form: Yes__? No__?
Advertising in its present form: Yes__? No__?
Religious organizations that accept tithings from parishioners on welfare: Yes__? No__?

Last edited 5/30/24


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