Author Topic: NASA employees and astronauts, integrity support clearings  (Read 4267 times)


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NASA employees and astronauts, integrity support clearings
« on: December 30, 2019, 04:45:06 AM »
A news report I'd like to read.

NASA announced that they have included the "Pro" version of The Clearing Process for all employees, astronauts and all immediate family members.

All NASA employees and astronaut applicants (including all immediate family members) will be required to complete The Clearing Process for Professionals, and to use it weekly to maintain their integrity.

Quotes a spokesperson: As we confront the leadership-communication skills required of our Mars mission, as we approach mastery, we can no longer afford to risk the possibility that an unacknowledged perpetration (a childhood lie, deception, or abuse) might affect outcomes. We have elected to use The Clearing Process recently adopted by the Naval Special Warfare community (Navy SEALs) who hold that everyone (active, retired, and all family members) within Naval Special Warfare is responsible for all outcomes. A SEAL's spouse holds that withholding significant thoughts, trash-talking, badmouthing, gossiping and infidelities affect everyone's outcomes.

We can no longer ignore the fact that all lies and all truths and all abuses (including broken time or payment agreements) have an effect until all of life's accumulated perpetrations have been verbally acknowledged.

Recently we discovered that most every NASA Job Application Form contained one or more omissions, lies, illegibilities, or inaccuracies; significant also is the fact that the job interviewers did not catch these covert communications by applicants.

We have include a marital fidelity agreement for all employees. It's a given that someone who seduces an astronaut is an unconscious saboteur, ignorant of the consequences of unacknowledged deceits. I.e. Four-Star General David Petraeus, a West Point Academy graduate, was cheating on his wife while serving as the Commanding General of all U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, and continued doing so as the Director of the CIA. His mistress ignored the fact that she was thwarting him, sabotaging her country and his missions.

Today's speech-communication and leadership courses do not effectively address the correlation between personal integrity and outcomes.

Read Military Academy Scandals

Note: It's not as though a cheating NASA employee causes a failure, it's that within an organization committed to honoring agreements, to telling the truth, to zero significant withholds, one can eliminate the negative effects of such perpetrations.

Last edited 4/26/22


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