Author Topic: Police, blaming, responsibility  (Read 6293 times)


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Police, blaming, responsibility
« on: June 03, 2020, 05:12:11 AM »
I'm hearing and reading lots of blaming communications, specifically, the Me Too'ers and those involving police abuse.

  • A police department perfectly mirrors the integrity of its community.
  • Family and friends of those who have been abused/killed by a police officer are perpetrating one or more deceptions upon one or more people/organizations; all, YES ALL these enablers have submitted one or more inaccuracies (including purposeful omissions) on one or more forms (job applications, tax forms, licensing applications, health insurance forms). All these people, some ignorantly (unconsciously) other's arrogantly (consciously) deny the consequences of such deceits (for themselves and all with whom they relate).
  • Someone who knew a police "victim" intuited (silently predicted) such an outcome and remained silent. I.e. "It was just a matter of time."
  • Every parent of a "victim" can (when asked) recall the fork-in-the-road incident, the communication, the interaction, after which there were fewer if any, daily warm hugs; that incident, that incomplete, became the source of the behavior that produced the outcome. Each parent knows that it was their leadership-communication skills (alone) that produced the result.
  • Arrogance always begs to be humbled.
  • Most every member of a police department (including the spouses) know of one or more in their department who is perpetrating one or more departmental/civic violations; these enablers also, non-verbally, condone infidelity (there are zero exceptions to this phenomenon).
  • Every spouse of a police officer knows (with absolute certainty) whether his/her spouse needs therapy, whether their spouse is dragging unresolved anger into each interaction throughout the day; they know that their spouse is addicted to knee-jerk fits of anger and blame and to communicating abusively. Such a spouse submits the community to this abuse (for another 24-hours), the spouse unaware of the various far-reaching consequences of his/her thwarting skills.
  • All high school principals grant diplomas to students whom they know can't compute their car's miles per gallon or present a list of the expected costs for raising a child through age 18.
  • For several decades, nationwide, 25% of all university freshmen have been required to take (to pay for) remedial composition and comprehension courses to learn what their K-12 teachers failed to teach.
  • All teachers who receive awards know of one or more fellow teachers whom they know to be ineffective; these "outstanding" teachers non-verbally submit the school's students to another 24-hours of incompetency.

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