Author Topic: Open letter to undocumented immigrants  (Read 6378 times)


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Open letter to undocumented immigrants
« on: July 26, 2020, 01:42:18 AM »
It's unfortunate that you have entered our country illegally. It's even worse if you have conned a Mexican-American friend/relative into supporting you in your illegal activity.* It's most likely you have compounded the consequences by conning an American (who knows your immigrant status) into hiring you illegally; they reward your unethicalness for which there are undesirable consequences for all concerned. This is referred to as covert sabotage.

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Here are a few thoughts:

The following is for those who know that there are negative consequences for lying and deceiving.

Imagine how unethical a business person must be to encourage law breakers to enter our country. And, you expect such an employer to treat you fairly and responsibly? "H'm let's see, I want a company that produces happiness and prosperity for my employees. I know I'll hire unethical people addicted to conning and blaming, who for reasons, believe it's OK to deceive another if the reasons are good enough." Employers who hire "illegals" are thwarting the goals of their country--not very patriotic.

It doesn't make sense to encourage people who are failing in life, who cause and then put up with neighborhood bullying, to come to America, people whose leadership communication skills are such that they can't make their own community work well for all concerned.

Throughout the world law enforcement personnel mirror the integrity of its community members. Why on earth would we want someone who can't/won't make it work where they live, someone who blames others for the condition of their community?

One is either in-integrity or they have their reasons. All lies, all deceptions, are reasonable.

An ethical President would fine/imprison anyone who hires an illegal. The President should grant immunity to all illegal immigrants. The reason? Americans unethically enticed them with illegal jobs.

If you can con another into supporting your unethicalness then you are thwarting the success of that person/country, knowing full well the karma for all concerned of such behavior.

An illegal immigrant working for an American company is thwarting the success of the owner, the company, the legal employees and America, knowing full well the combined out-integrities are producing undesirable consequences.

Confession may feel good however it needs also to be communicated to the people whom you have wronged, deceived.
  • I'm sorry I lied and deceived others to sneak into America. Yes/No?
  • I know I lied and deceived everyone and, I'm going to keep doing it. Yes/No?
  • As an illegal I know I am non-verbally teaching my children to lie and deceive if the reason is good enough. Yes/No?
If you are picking up vibrations of disrespect from Americans please allow that it's not all racism; much of it has to do with our dislike of sneaky unethical blaming cons. 

Here are a few questions I would ask of someone complaining about the terror in their community, someone wanting to come to the relative safety of the United States, where, generation after generation, we have done what it takes to bring about law and order:

1. What have you personally done to support law and order in your community?
2. How many meetings have you attended to address the problem you're running from?
3. What organization did you start/join to address the problem?
4. What are the names of the neighbors you've been meeting with to address the problem?
5. What is it about your leadership-communications skills that have contributed to the unlawful condition in your community?
6. What was the incident (day, date, time) that you now know you should have done or said something?
7. Why would we allow entry to someone who has not demonstrated the ability to relate harmoniously?
8. Is it possible that what's going on around you in your community mirrors your personal integrity,** that it's a result of your leadership-relationship communication-skills, how you communicate, your belief system, your code of ethics--have you not, since childhood, always held the option of lying, sneaking and deceiving if things get bad?
9. Have you discussed with your parents what they did or did not do to cause this situation?
10. What's the biggie, the perpetration you have hidden, even from your Priest, before you even came to the U.S.? What should the consequences be for such deceit?

In most communities, there is the "Hawk," the one who warns and begs for action and weapons to fight with and, the peace-nic couch-potatoes who non-verbally thwart the Hawk. World-wide, such communities are led by women who non-verbally vote for men to fight each other and when it looks like the men are losing, take the children and emigrate. Note: Most all Israeli women have served in the military and can handle weapons as well as men.

I think we should welcome immigrants when all governors throughout the United States have reported "No homeless or unfed citizens for six-months in a row and unemployment is steady at 5%." 

* No doubt, as an American citizen, you have ignored what will happen if your illegal friend gets deported, and you get convicted for aiding; if so, you'll be left with your reasons and hollow, "I'm sorrys."

** The assumption being, you know there are undesirable consequences for lying and deceiving; perhaps you don't want to acknowledge that the deceits you've perpetrated on others throughout childhood have not affected you and all with whom you relate. For certain you have a misunderstanding of the word responsible --evidenced by your blaming narrative of, "Those bad cartel guys are running my life."

Early Americans would have left for another country had they not had the courage to fight the overwhelming English military who were 1000 times as powerful as all cartels.

Thought exercise:

Man #1 is an honest man. He and his wife tell the truth to each other, no withholds, no secrets; he keeps his word. He would never think of using house expenses to buy alcohol. He has never hit his wife or children. He and his wife attend most community meetings.

Man #2 is a "good" man but deceptively hides one or two thoughts from his wife; he is not honest with many people in the community. He often spends food money on drugs, watches TV every evening, and occasionally hits his wife.
Which man is most likely to attract neighborhood bullies?
Which man doesn't deserve to have life work as desired?
Which spouse had the most positive influence on the family and neighborhood?

Last edited 2/4/25


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