Author Topic: King Kamehameha's statue--inappropriate?  (Read 5973 times)


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King Kamehameha's statue--inappropriate?
« on: September 15, 2020, 07:42:20 AM »
Should the statue of King Kamehameha (Hilo, Hawaii) be added to the list of the nation's inappropriate statues, statues that no longer represent our values?

King Kamehameha, a famous warrior, and leader, "united" the islands, however, the King, like Hitler, did it by invading long-established (self-ruling) communities on the outer islands, killing many of his own relatives and ancestors, ostensibly in the name of "uniting."

Interestingly, unlike in present-day Poland with its hundreds of war memorials honoring those who Hitler killed, there are no memorials listing (honoring) the names of Hawaiian families (fathers, mothers, children) killed during Kamehameha's invasions. The land and possessions seized have yet to be returned/compensated for.

Any communication mastery curriculum requires that we have mutually satisfying conversations about these topics. Presently, these conversations trigger upsets, arguments, and anger. Such conversations will address a culture's addiction to irresponsible blaming; the majority of ethnic Hawaiians are still stuck with their angry blaming narrative of, "They did it to us." Some locals can't look at a Caucasian without it triggering upset and resentment.

With coaching, it's possible to set a date by which all Hawaiian Home Land properties will have been assigned.

With coaching it's possible to disappear the Mauna Kea observatory frictions.

Without coaching such frictions will continue for years. Why? Because over a period of 44+ years I've yet to receive a call from a Hawaiian activist asking for support with projects such as Mauna Kea or the Hawaiian Home Land issue. Hawaiians use their way of communicating/relating when they interact with haoles. It's the same way of relating they used when they were "defending" their islands from Westerners, when studying in school, or when they try to inspire their overweight relatives to eat healthily.  They have been more interested in blaming, being right, and making haoles wrong, than in winning.

This orphan has lived here 44+ years. I love the islands and its people.

Last edited 2/5/24


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