Author Topic: Teachers support The Clearing Process  (Read 5328 times)


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Teachers support The Clearing Process
« on: November 05, 2020, 03:46:35 AM »
A news report I'd like to read

Teachers nationwide announce support of The [free] Clearing Process for graduates of all grades.

The Clearing Process instantaneously grants complete immunity for any and all perpetrations committed by all graduates.

Unacknowledged perpetrations float around in the back of one's mind, they occupy space, they serve as barriers to consistently manifesting ones stated intentions. Our integrity is such that we unconsciously thwart ourselves to the degree we thwarted others, especially our teachers/mentors.

The vast majority of adults carry guilt for unacknowledged childhood/teen perpetrations into each present-day interaction; such guilt affects all outcomes—including achieving and sustaining an experience of health, happiness, prosperity and love.

For example:
  • For decades we teachers have been teaching students (parents to be) to lie and deceive, evidenced by the fact that the majority of teens con each other into deceiving both set of parents so as to have sex (all oblivious of the life-time consequences of unacknowledged deceits).
  • We educators did not provide a safe space for students and parents to acknowledge perpetrations. I.e. Student: I purposefully chose to not look up the correct spelling of several words in my homework."  Parent: "I thwarted you by breaking the implied agreement to ensure that my son completed his homework every day."
Quotes a spokesperson. Once one has completed any process about restoring/maintaining one's integrity, they are immediately (instantaneously via intention) acknowledged and completely absolved .1 Read about the phenomenon of entanglement

To begin The Clearing Process:
  • Recall a specific perpetration.
  • Acknowledge the perpetration to yourself.
For example: "I recall purposefully leaving blank spaces and incorrect "Emergency Contact" phone numbers on my Student Address Form.   

This simple intra-personal communication of acknowledgment begins2 the completion process. That is to say, you were walking around in life with an incomplete. You've been trying to make life work, thinking you got away with life's perpetrations. An incomplete is any interaction that didn't feel good to you or another. BTW: It ain't your fault. Education majors are not required to acknowledge childhood perpetrations or to deliver all withholds with one's parents as a prerequisite for any speech-communication course.

1 "completely absolved" It's understood that students have no choice other than to mirror the integrity of the adults around him/her (parents, teachers, police, health-care professionals, and clergy).

2 "begin" To complete life's incompletes, (life's unacknowledged good deeds and perpetrations, all lies, thefts and abuses) do The Clearing Process (it's free and it works). The process is especially valuable for creating space to create (composers, artists and athletes, such a Navy SEAL Training Applicants).

I recommended that you ignore this post.Why? Because that's what your ego-mind is programmed to do. Transformation is usually triggered by circumstance, an accident, a divorce, a job loss, or a health issue.

Last edited 11/5/20


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