Author Topic: Slavery, etc. Compensations  (Read 5958 times)


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Slavery, etc. Compensations
« on: February 16, 2021, 04:58:06 AM »
The word compensation is being mentioned by newly elected President Biden; presently it refers to various compensations to present-day African Americans due to slavery issues.

1/2/22  Edit: Was being mentioned; since the election, I have not heard anything.

"Compensation" usually refers to "victims" expecting/deserving something of value from the "winners" to cover losses of life and property through conning, murdering, kidnapping (slavery), abuse, theft, or war.

"Talking" about compensation produces more of the same blaming frictions whereas responsible (from cause) "communication" produces supportive compassion and completion.

This post is about fast-forwarding through conversations about compensation, through the usual victimhood and Me2 blaming rhetoric, to responsible communication, one's cause (minus blame) for an outcome. ***

Some examples:
  • African Americans' losses due to slavery and theft of property awarded freed slaves.
  • Native Hawaiian losses due to American military, businessmen and clergy from Boston stealing their property.
  • Pilgrims-visitors to No. America staking-claiming possession of property used by American Indian tribes.
Different leaders* representing each of these groups have in mind something (a document, financial consideration, or a property) that would feel good to the majority of their group.

And so we ask, what's the source of this resistance to us being responsible for what our ancestors did to others? Follow the money is advised. Who would lose big time?

Evolution-wise we are confronting communication mastery; specifically, accepting responsibility for the less-than mutually satisfying results of our verbal, non-verbal, psychic, and physical communications. To do so, we must be willing to acknowledge our addictions—to abusing and to being abused and to blaming; how we, using our leadership-communication skills, unconsciously set up another (others) to abuse and thwart us and then blame and punish them.**

What a communication mastery curriculum looks like is conversations that address one's cause for an outcome. You can tell where you are in the curriculum. Are you addicted to deceiving—to withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance? Do you non-verbally support infidelity within your sphere of influence? If so, then you have a misunderstanding about responsibility. Your present leadership communication model, how you communicate, produces breakdowns in communication.

Note: It could be said that there was a brilliant unconscious intention of the Hawaiians to transition from warring each other into peaceful communities, and, that they unconsciously conned Westerners into conning them. Read: Shoal of Time. Conversely, it could be said that we Westerners brought Hawaiians into our lives so as to acknowledge and complete our addiction to controlling/possessing (manifest destiny).   

* "leaders" Every leader can, with coaching, recall what they did to cause the friction, the outcome, their loss. As with divorced couples, all leaders bring their addictions to withholding (deception) and to blaming into each interaction. Karma doesn't care if you don't believe in it. I.e. King Kamehameha was oblivious of the consequences of invading and killing other islanders (relatives and ancestors); "unifying" by invading as did Hitler with Poland. Seldom does one hear a Hawaiian (stuck as a blaming victim) acknowledge the appropriate karma of how they (albeit unconsciously) set up others to steal their lands. What must one do/not do, karmically, to deserve to have your reign come to an end?

** One can imagine Hawaiians laughing at the "unbelievable" deals they were making with a ship's Captain; an iron nail for 30 fish, a rowboat for a worthless valley. ". . . boy those haoles sure are stupid!" Note: I've not read any accounts of what was going on historically with the Hawaiians at the time that would karmically warrant such abuse. Who were they killing and stealing from? Who among them advised to not invade the Big Isle and the leadership arrogantly ignored such counsel?

*** Examples of responsible communications:

President Biden: We conned you out of your land. Please let us know what you need to hear from us to complete this matter.

Representative of the Hawaiian community: We conned you Americans. You were easily manipulated. We have blamed you for our greed, swapping material items for land, leadership positions, etc. Note: Present-day Hawaiian elders are divided as to desired results, most are stuck in blame: "They did it to us." As opposed to, "We conned them and lost."

Last edited 5/24/24


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