Author Topic: Podcast: "Recreating It" with Werner Erhard  (Read 5322 times)


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Podcast: "Recreating It" with Werner Erhard
« on: March 24, 2021, 07:13:16 AM »
A news report I'd like to read.

The Office of Werner Erhard* announced that Werner will be facilitating a series of 12 live podcasts titled, "Recreating It." Werner will have a different guest each week. Listeners may call to talk about any subject.

Writes one reviewer: Given the millions who have been influenced directly/indirectly, through conversations, their relationships, with Werner, and the "Six degrees of separation" phenomenon, it could be said that most everyone has already benefited from his conversations, his communications. The experience of communication, of being and getting, is transformational.
It's expected that one of the podcast topics will be "our" intentions regarding former President Trump and the results we keep producing using the Adversarial Communication Model taught in all schools worldwide. Note: The Adversarial Model trains students to blame and deceive, evidenced by the fact that the majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents when they decide to have sex, all oblivious of the consequences of deceit, of a single lie.

* Werner Erhard, founder of est (Erhard Seminars Training), The Forum, The Hunger Project, and the Communication Workshop for Educators. Werner has been acknowledged as one of America's most influential educators.

Last edited 2/1/24

"Most est grads acknowledge that the experience of enlightenment is fleeting; it requires constant maintenance, such as journaling/clearings. An est grad's three-hour clearing appointment with me is spent acknowledging the "good" and "bad" deeds, the withholds and perpetrations accumulated since the Training. Unacknowledged withholds and perpetrations serve as barriers to manifesting one's stated intention and the experience of love. You may "know" you love your partner but neither of you have experienced the experience of love for quite a while; this is because you have caused your partner to withhold thoughts from you (With 44+ years of 3-hr coaching sessions I have not found any exceptions to this phenomenon)." --Kerry


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