Author Topic: Community supports Uni-Sex clothing  (Read 5165 times)


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Community supports Uni-Sex clothing
« on: June 23, 2021, 04:00:57 AM »
A news item I'd like to see.

Mid-West community supports Uni-Sex clothing.

A spokesperson for an unnamed mid-west town announced that they support Uni-Sex clothing. "I recall the savings when our schools required uniforms. It eliminated the competition, buying expensive clothes, what to wear, etc." It virtually eliminated "dressing to attract," to look sexy etc.

Parents have decided to dress boys and girls the same. One great advantage is that girls won't have to worry about crossing their legs "correctly" or exposing their crotch while playing. Boys won't be spending thousands of hours K-12 (yes thousands) trying to get a glimpse of a girl's crotch or breasts. Long pants or shorts will be the norm.

The trend support equality.

Last edited 6/23/21



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