Author Topic: Standardizing of cars  (Read 5163 times)


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Standardizing of cars
« on: September 20, 2021, 03:02:11 AM »
A newspaper article I'd like to read:

Tesla announces plans to standardize cars

In the future, there will be just one standardized electric car chassis that will be leased.* All the chassis will have the same frame, batteries, premium tires, electric motors, and dashboards.

Owners will select their own body style, color, fabrics, media devices, window tinting, etc. to drop onto a leased standardized chassis. When the car needs servicing the owner drops off the chassis and another is quickly fastened to the owner's car body.

Various (personalized) body styles may be bought and bolted to one's leased chassis and, when needed, exchanged for service. The drop-off and body-chassis exchange will take less than one hour.

Tow trucks with cranes (for roadside accidents or a flat tire) will carry a refurbished fully charged chassis to the site and be able to unfasten, lift, and exchange bodies at the roadside.


Chassis parts will be standardized.
Any year body will fit on any chassis made in any year.
Chassie changes and improvements will be similar to early Volkswagons (functionality rather than style). Bodies will be different, however, all can be quickly fastened to the standard Tesla USA chassis.
Worldwide, manufacturing plants for USA cars will all make the exact same chassis.
New and improved components for the chassis will continue to fit (same bolt holes) all prior chassis and all privately owned chassis/bodies.

Plain lightweight bodies with no customizations will be inexpensive (estimated body life 20 years).
Tires and rims will be identical worldwide, all constructed from the best, lightest material possible.
Manufacturers will have the mandate to make all parts to exacting tolerances so as to ensure fitting.
Tow truck companies will open thousands of more locations and advertise, ". . . roadside call . . . exchanged within 1 hour."

*  Idea proposed by Joseph Cowels, HI, circa '70.

Last edited 1/3/24


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