Author Topic: County Council Meetings and High School Students  (Read 5651 times)


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County Council Meetings and High School Students
« on: November 12, 2021, 01:18:05 AM »
    A rumor I'd like to read.

    Hawaii has become the first state to include mandatory attendance at 3+ County Council Meetings for all high school students. Each senior must turn in three "County Council Meeting Attendance Forms" acquired by arriving on time and staying through to completion for at least three County Council Meetings.

    • About ninety-five percent of all Big Island residents have never attended a County Council Meeting. These high school grads (50% male, 50% female) run their counties from their couch; each (consciously/unconsciously) setting it up for others to do the work. Their conversations reveal they are addicted to irresponsible blaming, most always laced with, "They never ...," "They don't ...," "They always ...," "Those @$#!^$$ never ..."
    • Each household has a "leader" who determines (verbally/non-verbally/psychically) whether or not the family will actively participate/volunteer in community development activities. Most such leaders have become stuck in thwarting, they've failed to develop the leadership-communication skills that assure everyone is fed and sheltered within their immediate community; such relationships are rife with breakdowns in communications.
    • The leadership-relationship communication-skills it takes to have a friction-free personal relationship are the exact same skills it takes to have one's neighborhood work.
    • Verbally/non-verbally thwarting one's community always produces appropriate karma regarding (happiness, health, and prosperity).
    The majority of high school principals grant diplomas to students whom they know cannot compute the best grocery prices, who don't know the costs of having and raising a child through age 18, or how to complete a basic 1040 IRS form, or how to comprehend, "Some assembly required" instructions, and students, who don't have a direct experience of how personal integrity affects all outcomes.

    Last edited 2/28/24[/list]


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