Author Topic: Consequences for spouse of imprisoned partner  (Read 6056 times)


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Consequences for spouse of imprisoned partner
« on: November 21, 2021, 04:08:22 AM »
A rumor I'd like to hear:

Legislators are considering a law that would require that you, the parent, or enabling spouse (or living-with partner) of a convict, to also be assigned a consequence, specifically, 25-hours of therapy/counseling/coaching for any crime committed by anyone living with you, a crime in which, while living together, you both caused another(s) to lose financially.*

For decades, nationwide, we've been producing 42% recidivism (those who return to prison). Clearly it hasn't worked to ignore the effects of the equally (yes, absolutely equal) powerful leadership-relationship communication skills of one's partner-in-crime, one's enabling, empowering, spouse/partner/parent. Ignorance, or, "I didn't know . . .", "I asked but he wouldn't talk to me about . . .", would no longer be acceptable excuses. Non-verbal communications (silence) condones.     

This law would mean that each partner is solely responsible for the integrity of the family and the effects each have on the community.**

Virtually all prison inmates have one or more enablers on the "outside." An enabler, using his/her equally powerful (yes equally) verbal, non-verbal, physical, and psychic communication skills, supported the incarceration. I.e. Parents/relatives/friends/teachers and clerics, those whose leadership-relationship communication-skills didn't inspire living with integrity.

Enablers seldom engage in their own concurrent therapy to address their responsibility for the outcome. Ergo, most parolees return to interacting with those whose communications don't inspire one to live with integrity. Approx 42% return to prison.

* The spouse of a Mafia Don could no longer pretend she didn't know exactly how her husband conducted business. All spouses are equally powerful, all are empowering enablers.

** It would also mean that parents are financially responsible for damage done/caused by their child. Both would receive consequences for purposeful errors/omissions on all financial/insurance/licensing and application forms. 

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What will work will be unrecognizable. --Kerry

Last edited 7/8/24


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