Author Topic: Mandatory coaching for partnership abuse  (Read 5741 times)


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Mandatory coaching for partnership abuse
« on: December 04, 2021, 02:40:41 AM »
A news report I'd like to read:

Therapists nationwide are discussing the possibility of sponsoring a law that requires mandatory coaching/therapy for one's first* experience of physical abuse.

The law would support personal responsibility. I.e. If you physically abuse another, or, if you (using your leadership-relationship communication-skills) cause your partner/spouse to physically abuse you, the law would require that you immediately schedule a three-hour (by yourself) coaching session.

Someone addicted to blaming and to withholding significant thoughts (to abusing and to being abused) will always magnetically attract a partner with the exact same addictions. There are no exceptions to this phenomenon. Both intuit the other will ''forgive" them until...? With spousal abuse there are no "victims" or "bullies" only sparring partners, both equally (yes equally) addicted to withholding and blaming. 

Present laws support "victim-blaming." "He/she started it..." Police, responding to a report of domestic violence, have been required to listen to the blaming rhetoric of all concerned. With the new law, police responding to a domestic disturbance call would first ask, "Is this the first instance of physical abuse?" If not, they would be separated and required to attend individual coaching the next day. Read:  Hawaii legislators considering No-Fault abuse law --it's about the damaging effects police have when they unconsciously intend victim badmouth-blaming.

* The word "first" is significant because one's first physical abuse is usually done very early in the relationship, before either has the power to threaten the other, "...if you tell..." or, "...if they insist upon therapy." or "If they threaten to leave."

Dating couples would agree to volunteer for coaching if they find themselves having abused the other, or if they unconsciously set it up for the other to abuse them. They would also ask the important question; "I know it's not likely, but what should I do if I find that I've caused you to physically abuse me?"

Parents would instruct their child, "Here's the name and number to call when you can't fix a problem." Note: This go-to person must have completed his/her addictions to blaming and withholding. A go-to person must have completed the free Clearing Process for Professionals else, they won't be conscious enough to catch the irresponsible blames and lies.

The premise behind the proposed law: If you magnetically (karmically) attract a fellow abuse addict (someone addicted to withholding significant thoughts and to blaming) then your unconscious intention is to intend that your partner abuse you;** you'll do this so that you don't have to acknowledge your con, your sting. The sting goes something like, "I know I should insist up front that physical abuse or cheating is the same as requesting an immediate divorce, with absolutely no second chance, however, I'm fearful and needy. Also, I intuit that if I made such a demand, you wouldn't date me again." --all this is communicated non-verbally. Read: Creating a marriage vow that precludes cheating, etc.

** The proof will be after your acrimonious blaming divorce.

Last edited 2/8/25



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