Author Topic: About teen suicides  (Read 5129 times)


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About teen suicides
« on: March 13, 2022, 02:15:34 AM »
Our attention is being directed away from the blaming Me2 interactions towards the increasing trend of teen suicides.

Many "woke" teens are letting us know that the way we communicate (our imitation of communication) drives one "crazy;" it not only doesn't make sense, it doesn't produce happiness.  This realization sinks for a child when, "... immediately after most interactions with me, they fight again." Thinks a teen: "They say it's not me but the results of my communications (how I just be) prove otherwise."

Each and every teen who opted to kill themselves, (yes each and every, zero exceptions) mirrored their parent's addiction to deception, to withholding significant thoughts from each other, as such, the child becomes equally bound up, deceitful, and angry.
  • "woke" as in, they can see things adults can't, specifically, the hypocritical behaviors, (overweight, connable, health-nutrition teachers) the out-integrities of both parents.
It's virtually impossible for an intelligent being to respect anyone who non-verbally supports our hypocrisies and unethical behaviors. Teens discover that parents, and most everyone else, communicate beliefs as truths, (I.e. God, Santa, diets, campaign contributions, the unenforced stated "separation of state and religion"). Adults forget how super-sensitive they used to be to their parent's vibrations.

Thinks a child, "If I can't inspire my parents to treat each other lovingly then there must be something wrong with me; no matter how hard I try I can't recreate the experience of love with my creators."1

Suicide is the ultimate make-wrong, more so if one doesn't leave a note. If no note, then everyone the child knew would believe that it was because of them and their leadership-communication skills; that they somehow or other unconsciously "drove" another to suicide. The teen's implied non-verbal communication being, "I couldn't find a single person/reason worth living for, not one."2

Teens unconsciously search for an adult who communicates openly, honestly, and spontaneously; like Demosthenes, they search for a truthful person and find none. Few adults live an ethical-admirable loving life so there are few if any, exemplary models for teens.

Teens also unconsciously search for someone they can respect, someone they can't con,3 someone who can hear their lies. They discover that parents and most "teachers" are very easy to con. Many "learn" that they can attend classes without applying themselves.

The majority of parents are deceiving each other. Both are withholding an equal number of thoughts from each other (yes, both and equal). Both brought their addictions to withholding and blaming into the relationship. Both withheld a significant thought from each other on their very first date. The space, the very atmosphere, of such a house is heavy, clouded, not happy; it's unhealthy. Such parents honestly believe they are in-communication with their teen.4

It's abusive to submit a child to a (virtual or physical) hug-less household for more the 24 hours in a row. It's abusive of parents to verbally abuse each other without verbally acknowledging each and every abuse in front of their child. "I get that what I just said to your father didn't feel good."

1 "creators" We expect children to want to live with the mess we've created. Few of us are committed to aliveness, almost every adult is addicted to one or more less-than-healthy behaviors. We just can't seem to operate daily as we've been "taught."

2 "drove" The vast majority of parents honestly believe they are in-communication with their child, yet each parent of a misbehaving-failing child, can remember all the deceits and thoughts they hid from their own parents for fear of . . .? Most parents are still dragging around life's unacknowledged perpetrations into each present-day interaction, deceiving someone significant, all oblivious of the consequences of a single unacknowledged perpetration. "Unacknowledged" meaning a perpetration that has not been admitted to someone, ideally, the person to whom one abused/deceived/lied.

3 "con" Most of us still have poor penmanship, a consequence of conning our penmanship "teacher." When a student has a penmanship teacher one has legible penmanship--for life.

4 Supportive reading about the Columbine shooting, a different kind of suicide.

All guilt can be disappeared via responsible communication; all guilt persists via talking. Speech-Communication Professors worldwide teach education and health-care majors (future therapists) to talk. The subject of responsibility can't be taught in public schools because most "teachers" are addicted to deceiving, to withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone in their own family. A teacher models open, honest, and spontaneous communication, zero withholds in their personal relationships.

See Clearing Process for a Parent and a Young Person/Teen --it's free and it works.

The Suicide Hotline Story

Last edited 7/9/24


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