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Thoughts about trend of suicides and shootings
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Topic: Thoughts about trend of suicides and shootings (Read 6100 times)
Posts: 298
Thoughts about trend of suicides and shootings
June 07, 2022, 01:18:06 AM »
Many "shooters" kill themselves after the carnage, some goad cops into killing them--sometimes pretending to reach for a gun (referred to as "suicide by cop"). That's a lot of angry, sad, hurt people trying to communicate something that doesn't get gotten. They reveal that what's being taught about communication doesn't work at home or, from their perspective, in the world.
Here's a suicide note I'd like to read:
"Obviously, I've been angry for a long time. It began right after my father . . . when he . . . later reinforced when my mother rewarded (enabled) him in continuing to hit me (for reasons) so that she could have someone take care of her. Yah, I know. That's a blaming make-wrong statement. Guess which teachers, parents, and clergy taught me to communicate this way?
Guess who has had to put up with parents who daily yell and blame each other?
Guess which "loving" relatives knew my parents were abusive and non-verbally enabled them?
Guess which of my teachers couldn't see that I was having problems at home, or could see, but were not trained how to handle non-verbal upsets?
Guess which parent couldn't tell that I was dragging around guilt for my belief, that I was causing them to yell and argue all the time?
Guess whose parents deceived me, who led me to believe they had
been better behaved than me, that I was different and bad?
Guess which grandparents taught their child to abuse and to be abused.
Guess who
heard either parent acknowledge their abuse to each other or me (for submitting me to have to listen to such abuse) after an incident?
Guess which adults presented beliefs as truths? I.e. God, hell, and, who's causing the present war.
Guess which adults non-verbally empowered President Trump's "thousands" of documented lies, that even high school teens could see?
Guess how many overweight teachers prove that what's being "taught" about health and nutrition doesn't work?
Guess how many schools don't insist that teachers demonstrate mastery of health as proof of the validity of the school's curriculum? Instead, teachers non-verbally communicate, "Do as I say," because I can't follow my own advice.
You adults have proven conclusively that it's hopeless. You expect us to live with the mess you've created that only gets worse day by day. Nothing we say or do has worked. If intelligent educated adults can't make it work how could I?"
Last edited 1/30/24
Complimentary readings
Teen shooters, a communication
Open letter to Sue Klebold (Columbine parent)
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Thoughts about trend of suicides and shootings
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