Author Topic: Cell phone reception--H'wn Beaches/Shores  (Read 6968 times)


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Cell phone reception--H'wn Beaches/Shores
« on: June 13, 2022, 01:10:34 AM »
    As of 6/16/22:

    List of Hawaiian Beaches/Shores streets on which some residents can consistently make/receive cell phone calls from inside their house.

    Spectrum Mobil:
    • N. Oopu St.




    Republic Wireless:

    Note: 10+ years ago I started with T-Mobile and later switched to Republic Wireless. For years, with both services, I had to go outside to make a cell phone call. Republic Wireless just switched to using T-Mobile's towers. Both T-Mobile and RW have had spotty reception along Kahakai Blvd. I've had consistent support-ticket problems using RW so I just switched to Spectrum Mobile. I can now receive and make 4G calls from inside my house and at Kahakai Beach Park.

    Big Island Forum Registration is free: Click "Reply" and I'll add your street to one of the above lists.

    For example: S. Oopu St. (Hawaiian Shores) N. Oopu St. (Hawaiian Beaches).[/list]

    Update: 10/30/23 I looked into getting Starlink but discovered it has dropouts during heavy rains as with Dish, and, a biggie for me, no way to talk with them, everything is done via email.


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