Author Topic: Some thoughts about breast implants  (Read 11141 times)


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Some thoughts about breast implants
« on: December 15, 2006, 05:18:47 PM »
Some thoughts about breast implants

Not that it would change a woman’s mind but I'd feel better if I knew that every woman considering breast implants read the following. I write because I think someone should say something, and, because I want to feel somewhat better for stating my point of view.

I’m certain I speak for many men, and no doubt a considerable number of women, when I say that for many of us breast implants are a turn off. More and more I find myself repulsed by starlets who have disproportionately large breasts. The word pathetic comes to mind. CBS's Survivor is a typical example with its token silicone endowed participants. Unfortunately most of these breasts are easy to spot because they look unnaturally hard and bulging. There’s nothing soft about them. When viewing TV with someone quite often one hears them say, “They’re fake.” Or “I bet they aren’t real.” —always commented on in a put-down disparaging way.

It’s understood that many women have such an operation because they believe they will feel better about themselves. Many women who have had the operation say this is so. There’s no arguing about this. I suggest that any woman contemplating spending money on implants spend an equal amount on therapy beforehand to see if they could arrive at feeling whole and complete they way they are. My sense is that the inner radiant beauty that would come from such introspection would be far more lasting and much healthier.

It’s reported that one of the main reasons a woman enlarges her breasts is because she believes that men will find her more attractive; to include visions of increased job opportunities. However, many of us watching this trend can’t help but wonder what’s going on with a man who can only be caught by big breasts. What woman in her right mind would want to attract such a “Shallow Hal?” Is such a catch desirable? Might a man predisposed to unnatural fake large breasts reveal later to have been lying, both to the woman and to himself? I’m absolutely certain that many a husband married to an implant recipient cannot now tell her the truth for fear of hurting her obviously already fragile self-image. I suspect a simple, "My preference would be that they were normal" would devastate many a spouse.

It hard to imagine why a single woman would purposefully disfigure her body thereby absolutely ensuring that a large percentage of the male population would never consider anything more than an arm’s length relationship with her. It’s sad because I'm sure there are many who would have found her natural size to be the preferred size. It's possible some males look at a woman with implants and suspect it reveals the need for therapy and so they unconsciously dismiss them as a mate choice.

I’m equally turned off by my fellow males, the ones who purport to be turned on by fake hard imitation breasts; more so, because women feel such a need to satisfy them.

Notice that I haven’t mentioned the psychological ramifications of implants? Suffice it to say, my experience has been that people who cannot be happy the way they are—are always finding something wrong. I’m also disappointed with the plastic surgeons who ask their obligatory "Are you sure you want to?" in such a way as to cause the client to say, "Oh yes." It seems as though each client needs to be asked, “Do you realize that if you opt for the size you say you want that they will look hard and fake, whereas if you go one size smaller it will be more consistent with your proportions and won’t turn off as many people?” And, most importantly, “Do you know that you are creating a barrier to the experience of communication? —that is to say, any new person you meet will be unable to be with you because a part of his/her mind will be with your fake breasts while they process internally the accompanying judgments rattling around in their mind; all this is going underneath the normal small talk.”

Large breasts are a covert way to control others. Most people are automatically driven to glance at the bulging breasts during the introductory conversation rather than the woman's eyes. Few new aquantences have the integrity to truthfully verbally share their first experience and so these thoughts and experiences become withholds, incompletes, barriers to the experience of communication.

Lastly, there is the issue of life's priorites. Let's see, should I spend money on fake breasts or donate the money to a local food bank. Adornments such as diamond rings, tatoos, and implants? —absolutely, once everyone is fed and sheltered.

Read: "Breast obsessed boyfriend wants me to get implants."


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