Author Topic: Teachers agree to income averaging  (Read 6816 times)


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Teachers agree to income averaging
« on: December 31, 2006, 04:53:56 AM »
News release I'd like to read:

Teachers agree to income averaging

Hawaii's teachers agree to a new pay system. Salaries for teachers will be based upon the average income of a community's high school graduates. If former students aren't doing well financially in a teacher's school district then those teachers will be motivated to discover what it is about their leadership-communication skills that produces less than desirable outcomes (i.e. low income).

A spokesperson reports that this new pay policy keeps to the front of a teacher's mind that ultimately they are responsible for everyone's financial success, that responsibility doesn't end at graduation. It takes the "No child left behind" program to its natural conclusion, that of each teacher accepting responsibility for whether or not communication took place, and what students do with what's being taught.

The new pay agreement requires that teachers facilitate weekly support groups with graduates from their school. Teachers will serve as support group facilitators inspiring each graduate to complete the goals he/she sets each week. The premise being: The leadership-communication skills it takes to support a person in succeeding are the exact same skills it takes to create agreements that work—such as parents and students honoring homework agreements—and, causing content to be gotten.

Perhaps the best thing about this new philosophy is that it will support appropriate and responsible acknowledgment—teachers of graduates, and graduates of teachers. The present pay policy supports graduates in covertly, non-verbally, acknowledging dissatisfactions with their educations simply by keeping teachers pathetically begging for pay raises (see the Teacher's Pay Conversations Project—a study in acknowledgment).

Details about this program released upon request.


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