Author Topic: Borders new policy acknowledges having supported sneakiness  (Read 6645 times)


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A news report I'd like to read:

Borders new policy acknowledges having supported sneakiness

Borders announced nationwide that customers may now freely (without guilt) read books and magazines much like a library. This new policy replaces the existing nonverbal implied policy that begrudgingly allowed customers to read without paying.

It's become clear that allowing customers to sit and read a book or magazine from cover to cover supports sneakiness. It's a given that at some level of consciousness most customers feel guilty ripping off the authors and publishers. The new policy precludes any undesirable karma from these activities. We don't want to be contributing to the out-integrity of anyone or an entire community solely for the purpose of our own financial survival.

We've known all along that publishers and authors didn't like us returning bent and damaged material; we've decided to sell damaged material at reduced prices rather than make the distributors pay for our new permissive reading policy.

Most importantly, our new policy clears up the confusion for children. Previously, parents found themselves fumbling though feeble explanations as to why it was OK to rip off the store, reading material for free, "Everyone does it. etc." Goodness knows how much this policy has affected the health and success of our employees, the company, and the communities we serve.

Update: Since posting the above Borders has filed for bankruptcy.

For more about this subject read "Parole-The first 24 hours"


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