Author Topic: Police confronting intention  (Read 4196 times)


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Police confronting intention
« on: September 27, 2016, 05:11:24 AM »
Police confronting intention

Law enforcement academy superintendents are confronting what it would take to effect a transformation in their relationship with the populace. Superintendents nationwide are having to examine the correlation between personal integrity and results. Specifically, they must ask, "What have I been intending? What are my intentions now?" and—
  • Are the recent deaths of civilians and police officers alike a reflection of my integrity?
  • Do my subordinates mirror my unwillingness to manage as I know how?
  • Are the killings nationwide a karmic consequence of my adamant justification of deceitful stings and lying to suspects?
  • Have I been unconsciously intending what's been "happening" so as to discover the difference between talking and communicating?
  • Have I become stuck doing my imitation of communication?
  • We are always manifesting our intentions. Often we're surprised, or become blamingly upset, when we see what our leadership-communication skills have produced.
  • The populace have no choice other than to mirror the integrity of its police.
  • If the police continue communicating with each other and the public as they have been the public will have no choice other than to keep mirroring them.
"The next phase of our communication mastery curriculum will be so different as to not be recognizable.1 The leadership-communication skills it will take to co-create and implement a new way of relating, specifically, between the public and its police, are the exact same skills it will take to train education majors how to communicate subject matter (no excuses, no reasons)."2 —Kerry

A superintendent of police intent on making a significant positive3difference must be willing to accept responsibly for producing the present results. He/she must ask, "What have I been intending? —not what I say I've been intending or what I believe I've been intending, but the results—what's so."

For example: The way to discover ones intentions is to look at the results. A superintendent would have to be willing to acknowledge that they have been unconsciously, non-verbally, intending and supporting deceptions within virtually all of the nation's police departments—evidenced by the number of spousal infidelities4 throughout the law enforcement community, and, administratively, the huge number of late/incomplete/inaccurate daily reports/records.

All superintendents confront the choice—to phase out the Thin Blue Line? Note: The present unspoken agreement within all police departments is to lie, to hide, to thwart, to deceive a Department Internal Investigator so as to not get a fellow officer in trouble. All law enforcement officers everywhere choose to compromise their integrity daily so as to remain employed.  Note: Every "good" officer knows at least one or more fellow officers who are involved in a deception; these good "righteous" officers non-verbally communicate their disrespect of the department and it's leaders daily, in each interaction with everyone. The experience of continual daily pride is missing—one knows about the deceits and can't do anything about them. All police recruits soon discover that police department personnel are not as honest or ethical as they had assumed; what's worse, is that they are powerless to do anything about it other than to compromise their integrity so as to keep their job.

A responsible superintendent asks, "What is it about my leadership-communication skills that keeps producing undesirable results?"

A responsible superintendent asks, "What is it about my leadership-communication skills that enables many under my command to deceive their own spouses?"

A responsible superintendent asks, "What would I have to change about myself so that when I would say, "Open and honest and spontaneous communication within your family, zero withholds—that that's the way it would be." It would be known that the way to communicate that you don't want to be a part of our law enforcement community is to cheat on your spouse or to non-verbal support another's deception of another.

What will happen once I announce that we will no longer be conducting sting operations?

What will happen when I announce that we will no longer lie to or deceive suspects? I.e. "We know you did it." "We have proof that you did it." (Read Potential Rumor about no more stings or lying).

1 Speech-communication courses/trainings will be four times longer. The various communication courses and leadership training programs will have the reputation of being the most challenging of all courses. The Leadership Training Program for Education majors will be comparable to most military officer leadership trainings. The completion rate for  education majors will be less than 30%. Note: Educators will have the leadership-communication skills to cause starting wages for education professionals will be equal to those of skilled workers (electricians, plumbers, mechanics).  Universities will discontinue all remedial education programs for incoming freshman—instead, schools will have teachers who can be trusted to communicate subject matter. (All high school grads will know how to balance a check book, write a resume, fill out an IRS Tax Form, compute the better prices, demonstrate the ability to install and upgrade software, and verbally explain the immediate and lifetime costs a having a child). Most importantly, all teachers will facilitate a Community Support Group for Citizens (local high school grads) —it will meet 2x monthly for the purpose of creating and maintaining positive supportive relationships through communication, setting and completing goals, and clearing.

2 25% of the nation's college freshman require remedial courses in composition and comprehension—because education majors are not taught how to communicate subject matter; the teachers have become stuck doing their imitation of communication.

3 The word "positive" reminds us that we are always making a difference. Some of us communicate so as to forward others, some communicate so as to cause mediocre results for our friends and relatives, and others communicate so as to take others down with them. 

4 A true leader communicates, "Our foundation is integrity, as such spousal infidelity (you deceiving your spouse or your spouse deceiving you) is grounds for immediate discharge (there are no exceptions). If you know a fellow officer is involved in deceit your responsibility is to ask them to stop; if they refuse, you are to tell them that they leave you no option other than to report them, or, you also will be discharged."

Last edited 7/28/21


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