Author Topic: Family of parolee must attend counseling  (Read 5097 times)


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Family of parolee must attend counseling
« on: February 20, 2017, 02:55:21 PM »
An announcement I'd like to read:

Research shows that families who attend a support group with an inmate months before his/her Parole Board Interview greatly enhance a parolee's ability to be paroled and to complete his/her parole successfully.1 The findings confirm what we've always known, specifically, it doesn't make sense to rehabilitate a prisoner and then send him back to live and relate with those who think, act, and communicate the same way they did prior to his/her incarceration; the very same way that didn't inspire the parolee to go straight.2

It's important for a parolee's success that he/she not interact with enablers, especially unconscious ones.3 Both parents of a parolee must recall the communication, the incident, that was the fork in the road after which their child was never the same. Both parents must identify what it was/is about his/her leadership-communication-skills that produced a child in jail. Not surprisingly, few parents readily accept responsibility4 for the results of their teachings. Few parents are aware of the consequences of allowing their child to go to bed each night without acknowledging all the good and "bad" thoughts and deeds for that day. (see Clearing Process for Parent and Young Person).

BTW: The word rehabilitate is inaccurate. Few prisoners were ever socially, acceptably habilitated. Most began their downward spiral prior to being socially habilitated, when they were around 12-years-old, when attitudes and disrespects were allowed to go unacknowledged, or were handled abusively, after which, the abuse was not verbally acknowledged to the child by the parent.  Teachers, when asked about a shooter, often say they knew the student was troubled, "You could tell something unhealthy was going on at home."

1 The inmate will attend a 3-hr support group with other inmates every other week for three-months/up until his/her Parole Board Interview. At the same time, family members will meet with family members of other inmates (also about to be paroled) every other week for three-months. Then the inmate and his/her own family members will meet together, one evening per week, for 3-hr Family Support Group sessions. The Support Group Facilitator will coach the inmate and family members communicating responsibly to include acknowledging life's unacknowledged perpetrations.

2 Statistics vary, however, here in Hawaii our latest recidivism investigation revealed that 42% of our parolees return to prison.

3 Parolees who don't return to interacting with friends and parents (those who estrange themselves responsibly from their family and former friends) also do significantly better than parolees who return to un-rehabilitated relationships, this is due in part because the parolee doesn't experience the daily unconscious behavior-reinforcing communications from friends and family members that contributed to his/her incarceration.  Read Parole, The First 24-hrs

4 Most everyone has an understanding of the word responsibility but few know the definition. Parents say they accept responsibility however they have not experienced the experience of recalling/knowing the specific communication that caused their child to end up in prison. Until one accepts responsibility they will continue to produce more of the same, for themselves, their child (the parolee) and everyone with whom they interact.

Last edited 11/10/24


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