About Barriers to Comprehension v 10.30

a.k.a.  (also known as)  "Barriers to Communication"

(also check out Gabby's [communication-relationship] Tips)

What are barriers?

A barrier is something in the way of producing a desired result. If you aren't learning then you have a barrier—and, it ain't your fault. Bottom Line? All (yes all, zero exceptions) the adults around you have become stuck doing their imitation of communication.

Note: Most authors have barriers to communicating their subject matter in a way that it gets gotten, however, in the education game it's always the student's responsibility to discover, mostly by asking others, (their parents, fellow students/teachers) "Just what the heck is this author saying?"  Even with a B.A. and an M.A. degree in speech-communication I still sometimes struggle with "Some assembly required ..."

Some examples:

If you read something and a minute later you can't remember what you just read then you have a barrier to communication (a comprehension problem), specifically, a barrier to being, to being here now in present-time. In other words, the author is communicating something to you and you have a barrier to getting, to recreating, his/her communication.

If you find yourself wanting to talk to someone and you can't seem to do it then you'll notice that you haven't been willing to be totally honest (zero significant withholds) with him/her—your barrier being fear. You are addicted to withholding thoughts (to deceiving others) —specifically, you have been afraid to tell the person that you have been afraid to introduce yourself.

A teacher may have an unconscious bias towards students who are dressed well, or good looking, or a certain race. Most are in denial about their bias (often they are unaware of it) — yet you experience it. To compensate for their unconscious bias they will act very unbiased. If it's real for you then it's a barrier. It will serve as a barrier to communication between you and the teacher until ... (see below).*   

Few teachers are aware of the barrier they have to communicating subject matter in a way that you get it. Yet, when they become aware of, when they acknowledge, when they tell the truth about their barriers, the barriers begin to disappear and communication takes place. Most teachers believe they are in-communication with you, yet virtually none have a communication-skills coach on speed-dial for when they aren't able to cause a student to behave or learn, or to cause a parent to support the homework agreement. For five+ decades 25% of the nation's university freshman have required remedial classes to learn what their K-12 "teachers" failed to communicate (see Note below).

A barrier can be physical:

  • The reading light is not bright enough.
  • The room is too noisy or warm.
  • There is someone in the room/house whose presence is affecting your concentration.
  • You can hear sounds from another room.
  • It could be a form of dyslexia or a hearing or vision problem (ask your school nurse).
  • You are experiencing hurt/pain from an abuse**,  a yelling, an illness, or an injury.
  • You have a chemical/immune system imbalance—too much sugar, not enough water or vegetables.

A barrier can be mental/psychological:

  • Perhaps you were yelled at/traumatized earlier in the day, or life.***
  • It could be that several years ago a parent, in a fit of anger, told you that you are stupid and that you'd never amount to anything.
  • It could be that you have verbally abused another and have yet to acknowledge the abuse to them, ergo your mind is clouded with guilt that you're unaware of. I.e. Son to Dad: "Dad, I get that what I said earlier didn't feel good."
  • You are hurt and angry; failing is how you're trying to bring to someone's attention that you are not in-communication with anyone.
  • Your arguing parents trouble you greatly, perhaps you worry about them divorcing.
  • You have a fear that you have not shared verbally with anyone.
  • You have some "sick" or embarrassing thoughts that you believe can't be shared with anyone.****
  • It could be that you've yet to recover from a specifc violent angry arguement while you were in-utero; the physical sound waves between your parents tiggered fear and chemical reactions; the incident created new neural pathways that affected you for life. Your brain created new (behavior-affecting) neural pathways to ensure its survival. The sound waves traveled through the walls, affecting your neighbors--also for life; if asked today, they could recall the incident about their "fighting" neighbors. The are conversations that will complete such incompletes.

A barrier can be any thought that comes to mind:

A barrier is any thought that comes to mind when you ask yourself, or someone else asks you, "What thought comes to mind as to the source of your problem?" Yes, any thought that comes from your mind is one of the barriers. The question must be asked over and over with intention, perhaps two dozen times, until your answer is, "Nothing comes up" several times in a row. Communication disappears a barrier, silence causes it to persist.

A barrier is an incomplete:

An incomplete is something, usually a reoccurring experience or a thought, that's floating around in your mind occupying space; it's something that needs your attention.

For example:

  • If you stole something two-years ago and haven't been acknowledged for stealing it then that incident is an incomplete, it serves as a barrier to comprehension, to communication, to manifesting your stated intentions. We're just too damn honest to let ourselves get away with perpetrations; we always always pay ourselves back (unless/until each/every, yes, each and every, perpetration has been acknowledged (verbally/in-writing). Note: We are always communicating our withholds non-verbally, we don't look happy or approachble or, freindly.
  • If when you were five your mom asked if you brushed your teeth and you lied; that lie is an incomplete. It's a communication that has yet to be completed. The consequence of a lie is compounded every second it's not acknowledged (communicated to your victim).

  • If your aunt sent you a birthday check and you haven't thanked her, that perpetration is an incomplete (it's abusive to keep another incomplete, guessing as to whether or not you rec'd a gift).

  • If your father asked you to do something and you roll-eyed or non-verbally dissed him, and, you have yet to acknowledge the abuse, "Dad, I get that I was abusive." then that incident is hanging out, way in the back of your mind, occupying space, getting in the way of you being here now, of creativity and comprehension. If you have thoughts you haven't shared with your parent(s), then they are unconscious; an aware person can experience your incompletes, it's an aura thing.

  • If you conned someone into having sex behind the backs of both set of parents then you were not only being deceitful but you supported your partner in deceiving his/her parents. This perpetration is sapping your energy. It's serving as a barrier to you being whole and complete. Worse yet, it's sabotaging your partner's success, it's supporting them in thwarting and deceiving their parents. Thwarting begets thwarting. I.e. Others or "the universe" keeps thwarting you.

  • Most importantly, an incomplete can be when you are reading and you come across a word that you don't know. You might think you know its definition; you assume/hope that its meaning will become evident within a few more sentences. You were whole and complete (you were in-integrity) until you came upon that word but your commitment to being incomplete took over and you went past the word rather than looking up its definition. You are incomplete regarding that word.

"All failures to learn a subject can be traced to the fact the person went past a word they did not understand." —L. Ron Hubbard—Dianetics

Communication takes place in space:

If something is between you and another, an incomplete, then communication does not take place; instead, what takes place is talking. Talking produces entirely different results than does communication; specifically, with talking, supposedly unwanted problems persist. Most importantly, there can be no sustained experience of love or satisfaction if you are stuck doing your imitation of communication, if you are stuck believing you communicate when in fact you are stuck talking. If you are consciously withholding a significant thought from a parent, spouse/partner/loved-one, or a teacher, then you are dooming him/her, and yourself, to a life with little or no joyous love—it's referred to as premeditated abuse—for which there are compounding undesirable consequences.

To discover and disappear barriers/incompletes do The [free] Clearing Process.

Last edited 5/8/22

* To ask a question about barriers, to find out how to locate and complete a specific incomplete, how to acknowledge and complete a barrier between you and say a teacher/parent, post a message on the free Teen Forum. You may register with an alias name. To leave this page being complete use the  "Comment"  form below, i.e.  ("I like ..."  or, "I disagree with ..."). No registration/email address required, alias name OK. 

** "abuse" Most teens believe they deserve to be yelled at. NOT SO! (a little capital humor). No one deserves to be verbally abused. However, it's normal for a parent to get upset and react with anger. The damage comes from a parent not acknowledging, before you leave for school, "I get that I was abusive at the breakfast table." If you are in school trying to learn, then the memory of the abusive incident earlier in the day is still occupying space in your mind.

*** This is the most common barrier: It's not that you were, or felt traumatized, it's that the abuser has yet to verbally acknowledge his/her abuse. I.e. "Son, I get that my yelling at you earlier today didn't feel good." Or, "Dad, it didn't feel good when you yelled at me. You must request that the abuser verbally acknowledge the abuse, else, you become, cause for all successive abuses—for life. For example: "I'd like to hear you say that you know your yelling at me this morning didn't feel good." Or, "I have something to say and I'm afraid you'll get upset."

All (yes all) thoughts are normal, including the weird "sick" thoughts. You can't have any thoughts you're not supposed to have. The thought you're afraid to talk about with someone will cause (yes cause) that person to withhold thoughts from you; this phenomenon is supported by the fact that a person addicted to blaming and withholding will automatically, magnetically, attract a blaming withholder. The very first significant thought you withhold from someone causes them to withhold a thought from you. All (yes all) divorced couples withheld a significant thought from each other on their very first date. There are no exceptions.

Note: Speech-Communication Professors are charged with teaching education majors how to communicate subject matter. Most professors of communication have not successfully completed a Leadership Training Program, ergo, personal integrity as a communication variable has not been experienced. Virtually everyone on a university campus is deceiving someone, or is non-verbally supporting another's deception(s). All (yes, every single person—again, zero exceptions) are dragging around an unacknowledged significant perpetration into each and every interaction, affecting all outcomes. All education majors are granted degrees even though they are deceiving one or more family members—zero exceptions. Yah, I know. It sounds impossible. Let me know if you know of an exception, be sure to check their last Job Application Form (most such forms contain errors, omissions, illegibilities, and lies). University professors do not address the integrity issues between professors and students and between students and their parents. University Chancellors know that if they required education majors to complete a rigorous 4-year Leadership Training Program many would quit the very first week; it would affect enrollments and profits. Instead, universities deliver ("Into to ..." and "About ...") watered-down speech-communication courses; and they generate more income by charging college freshmen applicants for remedial courses to learn what their K-12 "teachers" failed to communicate.

BTW: All "teachers" who receive awards ("Best..., Most..., Nicest, etc.") non-verbally support retaining, for another 24-hours, a teacher who has been reported as being ineffective; submitting a student to a "teacher" whom you would not want teaching your child is unethical.

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