How do I get my teacher to change my grade? Most students don't know that if they screw up during their first week or at the end of the second month it doesn't mean anything. What makes teachers feel very good is when a student screws up and then tries hard for the rest of the semester. They are as proud of that student as they are of their straight "A" students, more so because the former improved under their tutelage/guidance. Here's what happens. Most students will do very good the first week. They start out organized and write down the homework and hand it in on time. Then they screw up royally. They know they have lost the trust and the teacher's respect. It's the same thing when
you tell your first lie to your father (insert steal your first store-item
or get caught after sneaking out after going to bed). He looks you in the
eye and says, "You disappoint me. I'll never be able to trust you again."
And you feel devastated. At that moment you know it's the truth. At that moment you
believe you have lost his trust forever. And, you honestly cannot, in
your wildest imagination, conceive that you could ever gain it back. Not.
The majority of teens irrevocably lose their parents trust and within
months regain it through "good" and reliable behavior.
Yes, the majority.
Here's the kicker. You are supposed to lose it and gain it back. It's part
of the curriculum. What you also don't know is that it is unethical to trust anyone. No one can be trusted, except that they can be trusted to lie or deceive in some way. If you place your trust in someone you are setting it up to have them fall. Then you get to be right, that you are more trustworthy than they are and that they couldn't be trusted. Not. A trustworthy person knows others cannot be trusted and has space for others to lie and deceive and, to not lie and not deceive. Something teachers and parents don't tell you is that once you have your high school diploma the only people who ever ask you what grades you got are other schools. No employer gives a damn if you got "A's" or "C's." Click here or close this window to return to the page you came from. [ top ] |