


Relationship Communication-Skills Workshop for Teens

About the Workshop:

The workshop is a weekend-long (Friday evening 6 - 11, Saturday and Sunday 9 am - 11 pm.)

The workshop is about expanding our* ability to experience manifesting our stated intentions—to produce the results we say we want and to have everyone feel good** upon completion, including—

— overview of the fundamentals and principles of interpersonal communication—including the causes of breakdowns in communication.

— acknowledging and immediately disappearing fear in relationships.

— immediately disappearing uncomfortableness with anyone, such as having confidence in conversations with girls, boys and adults.

— conversations in support of the experience of health.

— identifying and disappearing barriers to comprehension and creativity.

— clarity about: Integrity, responsibility, incompletes, withholds, acknowledgments, and perpetrations.

— dancing and breathing to music that releases bound-up emotions (anger, sadness and joy) Friday and Sunday evening.

— stuff about dating that no one talks about.

— tips on how to attract your #10.

— facilitating upsets between parents.

— acknowledging all the hypocrisies to which young people are submitted. Confirmation of your intelligence.

— supporting your parent's relationship positively.

— a fun easy communication process to do on dates that guarantees an experience of love and friendship for life (yes, guarantees).

— clarity as to the difference between wants and intentions.

— everything you can imagine having to do with dating and sex—stuff that many adults are still too uncomfortable to talk about with you.

— all the dating tips your mind can possible handle.

 — you will discover that there is no such thing as an "accidental" pregnancy.

a direct experience of being in charge of your parents; through communication you can cause harmony throughout each day—it has to do with your leadership communication-skills. ". . . and a child shall lead them."

you will find yourself supporting your parents in verbally acknowledging (completing) abusive communications—you will learn how to insist upon verbal acknowledgement of each and every perpetration.

* If someone were to ask you what the workshop is about you'd say, the workshop is about me expanding my ability to manifest my stated intentions—to produce the results I say I want and to have everyone feel good upon completion. **  Keep in mind that schools do not teach this stuff.  Communication and life mastery is something you must learn on your own; you can reduce the trial and error damages if you study communication. Ask any divorced person who still badmouths their ex if they attended any communication workshops after they left school and you'll discover they did not.

Note: Parents, it could be said that you have created space for your teen to be aware enough to attend such a potentially powerful workshop. You will notice a positive difference in your teen—you'll find yourself having some extremely valuable conversations; it will be as though you had attended a workshop about improving your communications with your teen.

Mouseover for a preview.

> Do you know?

Do you know? Here's some interesting stuff, it's written for adults, but what the heck.

> Definition of Abuse

Everyone you'll be relating with in life has his/her own definition of the word abuse. Compare this definition with your own.

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